The Jewell County Commissioners met on Dec. 30, with commissioners Keith Roe, Brent Beck and Ed Duskie present. Myka Zadina, county clerk elect, and Carla J. Waugh, county clerk were present at the meeting. Ervin Underwood, county commissioner elect, was also present.
Jesse Feldman left a bid for digging a new C&D pit at the Jewell County Landfill.
The following were present for the office head meeting and provided an update for their department: Carla J. Waugh, county clerk; Myka Zadina; Chris Petet, custodian; Anna Porter, county appraiser; Shannon Meier, ambulance director; and Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator. Those absent: Brenda Eakins, treasurer; Cindy Becker, health administrator; Amanda Davis, register of deeds; James A. Vaughan IV, solid waste director; Don Jacobs, sheriff; Nora Rhoades, Post Rock Extension District Director; Scott Wright, County attorney; and Joel Elkins, general superintendent.
Anna Porter said the personal property listings were sent out with a letter explaining the changes from the legislators. She said the penalty rates have been reduced. Anna said the legislature also changed the requirements for filing the personal property sheet, once you file and sign you won’t have to sign each year thereafter, only if report changes.
Kevin Peroutek reported he has been working with inventory of chemicals. He reported the spray pump needed to be replaced. He discussed reporting for the emergency management department.
Chris Petet reported the chemical pump was installed on the boiler.
Carla Waugh reminded the departments to complete their inventory listings, employee evaluations and to provide a copy of each employee’s driver’s license to the county clerk’s office.
Shannon Meier reported a slow month, and the department received most of the equipment received from the grant.
Brent Beck said he attended the hospital board meeting. He thanked Keith Roe and Carla Waugh for the years he has worked with them.
Ed Duskie attended the JCCA meeting and the Golden Years meeting. He also attended the multi-county meeting in Alton that was hosted by Osborne County. He said it was a very good meeting with topics he has tried to get Jewell County to do. It was refreshing to hear other counties doing it and working very well. He has been checking out road complaints, lots of roads need some work on them. Ed wished everyone a prosperous and Happy New Year and said he is looking forward to welcoming the commissioner elect, Ervin Underwood and working with him on things such as the direction our county needs to take in efficiency, productivity, work ethic, pay increase by merit, and keeping the bylaws of the county handbook updated.
Chairman Roe recognized the following employees for their continuous years of service achieved during 2024: for 5 years - Brett Ernst, Bonnie Kohn and Kevin Peroutek; 10 years - Julie Bourbon and Jeff Cheek; 15 years Chris Petet and Kenneth Standley; 20 years - Gene Thomas and James Vaughan; 30 years - Joel Elkins, Shannon Meier and Debra Murray.
Shannon Meier, ambulance director, requested an executive session to discuss non-elected personnel. The commissioners went into executive session beginning with Shannon Meier present. Regular session resumed with Commissioner Beck directing the county clerk’s office to place an advertisement for the ambulance director’s position.
Eric Bourbon, Bourbon Trucking, discussed hauling Jewell County’s trash trailer to Hamm Landfill, Perry, Kansas. He discussed liability insurance requirements and trailer maintenance.
The commissioners approved to transfer funds from the General Fund to the Solid Waste Fund with the amount to be determined at a later date.
The commissioners signed the amended 2024 employment agreement for the ambulance director.
Scott Wright provided the end of year number of cases for the following: traffic - 265; criminal - 27; child in need - 6; juvenile - 1; care of need of treatment - 2; miscellaneous - 8; Fish and Game -15.
The commissioners went into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for 5 minutes with Scott Wright present. Regular session resumed with no action taken.
The commissioners approved the unused money in the 2024 Jewell County Ambulance Budget be transferred into the 2025 Jewell County Ambulance Capital Outlay Fun, the unused money in the 2024 Jewell County Noxious Weed Budget be transferred into the 2025 Jewell County Noxious Weed Capital Outlay Fund, the unused money in the 2024 Jewell County Road and Bridge Budget be transferred into the 2025 Special Road Equipment Fund, the unused money in the 2024 Jewell County Public Health Budget be transferred into the 2025 Jewell County Public Health Capital Outlay Fund and the unused money in the 2024 Jewell County Appraiser’s Fund be transferred into the 2025 Appraiser’s Capital Outlay Fund. The exact amount to be determined to be transferred into each account is to be determined at a later date.
The commissioners went into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel. Regular session resumed with a motion to give a 3 percent increase to department heads and elected officials with the exception of the sheriff being 1 percent increase and the commissioners no change in pay. Motion passed with Beck and Roe in favor of the motion and Duskie against the motion.
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