Commissioners meet in January

The Jewell County Commissioners met Jan. 13. Commissioners Ed Duskie, Brent Beck and Ervin Underwood were present. Myka Zadina, county clerk, was present for the meeting.

Judge Kevin Phillips administered the oath of office to Myka Zadina, county clerk. Myka Zadina administered the oath of office to Ervin Underwood, county commissioner, District 2; Brent Beck, county commissioner, District 3; Amanda Davis, register of deeds; and Donald Jacobs, sheriff.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed the cost of hauling trash for Jewell County Solid Waste. He said Jon Ruthstrom will be a new motor grader operator. He will also be getting quotes from Caterpillar, John Deere and Case IH for a new motor grader.

Ed Duskie was appointed chairman, and Brent Beck as vice chairman of the board of county commissioners for 2025.

The Jewell County Record was designated as the official county newspaper.

All banks in Jewell County were designated as official depositories.

Ed Duskie was reappointed as Jewell County’s representative for the LEPG Advisory Board.

Ervin Underwood was appointed Jewell County’s representative for the Juvenile Justice Authority-Community Corrections Advisory Board.

Brent Beck was reappointed as Jewell County’s representative for the North Central Kansas Regional Juvenile Detention Facility.

Ed Duskie was reappointed as Jewell County’s representative for the North Central Regional Planning Commission Board.

Ervin Underwood was appointed as Jewell County’s alternate representative for the North Central Regional Planning Commission Board.

The commissioners approved to sign the amended 2024 employment agreement for the road department, Resolution 25-01 for 2025 Rural Opportunity Zone program and Resolution 25-02 GAAP Financial Waiver for 2025.

Commissioners reviewed applications for Amber Harding and Vincent Urbaniak for the Jewell County Emergency Medical Service Director position.

James Vaughan, solid waste director, discussed different trash hauling options.

Anthony Roy, Mankato City administrator, discussed the Mankato City Airport and the repairs that it needs for it to be used by emergency airplanes such as Children’s Mercy. He said they are working on getting a grant to help with the cost and inquired if the county would be able to put money towards the project.

The commissioners signed the 2025 Employment Rules and Regulations and the 2025 Employment Agreements for the ambulance, custodian, emergency preparedness director-911 coordinator, health department, noxious weed, highway, bridge superintendent, and solid waste departments.


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