USD 107 approves surplus items

President Marc Grout called the regular meeting of the Board of Education for USD 107 to order. Those present were Marc Grout, Kenny Mizner (ZOOM), Wayne Frost, Justin Angleton, Brenden Wirth, Brandon Hollerich, Bobi Fogo, Jeff Sells, Sam Meyers, Lacey Keller and Janet Higer.

The members elected Marc Grout as president, Bobi Fogo as vice-president. They will establish the day of the week, week of the month, time and location for regular board of education meetings and any alternative meeting dates during 2025-2026 school year at the July 2025 board meeting.

The bus and transportation report listed routine maintenance and checks on buses and suburbans. Tire depth inspections and repairs were completed on the buses. CDL testing is 90 percent complete. Preparations were made for snow removal and on going snow removal efforts.

Facility and grounds report stated the north wall of the Vo-Ag building has been completed. The exhaust fan was put back on the Vo-Ag building. When the weather is better, the lights will be reinstalled.

Jana Coil’s classroom is completed.

Quotes have been submitted for replacement of the boiler.

Various water fountain filters were replaced in the elementary school.

The 6-12 principal’s report included Nora Rhodes presented the Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge program.

This week students will be taking the Spring Interim State Assessment tests in math, English and science.

The spelling bee will be held Wednesday, Jan. 29, in the Little Theater.

Performers from the Lied Performing Arts will be at Rock Hills Tuesday, Feb. 4 to perform for the music classes.

The Pre K-5 principal’s report told of the December activities. Rocket Math, used for math fact fluency, is nearly ready to go this month. Playground materials were delivered.

Superintendent Sells attended KMAAG training in Manhattan in December. Teachers attended the Jan. 2 inservice and worked on their curriculum mapping.

The second round of perfect attendance giveaways was conducted with Jenna Cady and Kiplee Kussman as winners of the drawing.

Discussion items included insurance renewal information, Long Range Planning-Mission-Board Self-Evaluation and board clerk evaluation forms.

The Blue Ribbon Task Force on screen time recommendations were discussed.

The renewal of two CDs at the Guaranty State Bank in Beloit were approved.

The board discussed replacing three of the junior-senior high boilers. Consensus to either replace or bid out if warranted.

Facility options presented by SPT Architecture were discussed by the board members.

The board approved the surplus of technology equipment presented and the 2001 Chevy Impala with security issues.

The board went into executive sessions. They accepted the resignation from Shannon Meier as the RHHS track coach effective immediately. Tiffany Flinn’s resignation as RHJH girls basketball coach was accepted effective at the end of the season. Trevor Elins was approved as a full time substitute.

The next regular meeting is scheduled at 1 p.m., Monday, Feb. 10, in the board room of the district office at 109 E. Main Street, Mankato. (Unless otherwise notified through social media or on the website).


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