Nelson American Legion family hears update on Celebration Freedom

Rita Goodwin, coordinator of the Celebrate Freedom project, was present at the joint session of the Nelson Legionnaires, Sons of the Legion and American Legion Auxiliary to provide an update on the project of the Christian Patriots Remembrance Team.  The celebration will take place June 5 through 9 at the Kansas National Guard Armory in Concordia, and will feature American Veterans Traveling Tribute to Veterans and lst Responders with more than 440 feet of names, celebratory events, raffles and more. More information is available at the Nelson American Legion and a Celebrate Freedom website is in progress.

In other business, all present were reminded of the upcoming District 10 convention which will be held Saturday, Feb. 8, in Campbell. The Sons group announced they will be holding fish fries on Friday, March 14, Friday, March 28 and Friday, April 11 with proceeds going to the building repair fund. Auxiliary members discussed the process for Girls State delegate selection, considered a Mardi Gras party with date to be determined, and made plans to serve corned beef and cabbage meal on St. Patrick’s Day.

Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month in the Legion meeting room and participation and input from all members is appreciated.  


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