School Board to select member

In January, members of the Superior Board of Education will appoint a new board member to fill the vacancy left by Matt Sullivan. Sullivan’s term expires at the end of 2024. He did not file for reelection. As part of the regular December Superior Board of Education meeting, the board directed Superintendent of Schools to file the vacancy notice with Nuckolls County as required by law.

In other business November general fund expenditures in the amount of $642,836.57 were approved.

Two policies were reviewed and amendments proposed based on legal council recommendations: policies 2008 and 3004 . Policy 2008 is about meetings and 3004 is about fiscal management.

A new policy (3004) was read aloud. It addresses firearms and weapons for nonstudents. Board members seem to agree it was not currently needed. However, about half the board seemed in favor of it becoming policy in case it was ever needed. It addresses in great detail the responsibilities of security personnel being armed with a weapon on school property.

A contract was extended to Tyler Ferebee to teach science for the 2025-26 school year. He will replace Mrs. Jameson whose resignation was accepted earlier this year. Ferebee holds a master’s degree. He had taught at Pawnee City his entire teaching career of 14 or more years. While there, he has coached varsity wrestling, junior high football and helped with the American Legion summer youth baseball program. Supt. Whetzal said, “He will be able to teach upper level science classes for us.”

Audrey Parks, assistant secondary principal and guidance counselor, presented an overview of OTIS for secondary staff and students. It has been implemented at the elementary level. It is a tool being used to link standards to assignments and helps teachers. When fully implemented, a teacher will be able to look at a student’s profile and see their progress, interventions etc. for a particular subject for a multi-year period. The JMAC now links with OTIS and will influence grade books tracking. Plus, parents will be able to access the information.

During reports, she talked about an after school enrichment program for secondary students which will be required for students with lots of missing assignments, but an option for those wanting more help.

Jodi Fierstein, elementary school principal, reported that Superior Elementary was rated great on a four point scale of excellent, great, good and need support to improve. It is part of the 2024 AQuESTT Classifications.

Both the Superior Middle School and Superior High School were classified as good.

AQuESTT (Accountability for a Quality Education System Today and Tomorrow) was developed in response to a Nebraska state statue which required the state board of education to create a system of accountability combining multiple indicators of school performance. It is both an accountability system and a system of support built around six tenets. Those indicators include academic achievement, academic progress, graduation rate, progress for English learners and school quality or student success.

Parks reviewed secondary staff professional development activities and outlined student activities. One of which included the art club face painting at the second quarter elementary carnival.


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