Superior schools changing to better serve students

In response to a recent inquire from Gary Crook, a former Superior resident and one of the town’s most loyal boosters, John Whetzal, the current superindent of the Superior Schools, reported on some the school district’s new programs. A portion of that response follows.

Superior Public Schools currently have a personal finance class that is required for all students. The successful completion of the class is a graduation requirement. Investment is part of that curriculum. In addition the school is in the process of creating a grain marketing curriculum for students who participate in the school farm process related to the acreage the school district has directly across Eighth Street to the north. These students also have the opportunity to learn basic agronomy and plant science knowledge. 

  Additionally, Superior is deep into the process of completely revamping the entire curriculum and positive academic results are being seen in the early stages of the process. The elementary has gone fully through this process already and Wetzel said he would put their academic performance results up against any district in the state of Nebraska, by comparison.

  Some of the most recent accomplishments include developing an agreement with Reinke Manufacturing to provide welding instructors to the school to work with the students that have an interest, in obtaining their welding certifications before they graduate. These students will have the option of going straight into the workforce immediately after graduation, fully certified and with an excellent starting wage. This year was also the second year of the annual job fair where dozens of area businesses, college recruiters and military recruiters are in Superior for a day providing the employers with an opportunity to speak with students not only from the Superior Schools but neighboring schools.

  Brodstone Healthcare, the City of Superior and Superior Public Schools have all worked together to start Nuckolls County Childcare (NC3) to provide desperately needed daycare opportunities in the community and surrounding area. Brodstone has graciously carried the bulk of this long and arduous process.  Now, the intent is for the school to work with NC3 and the State of Nebraska to create an early childhood program which will allow students with a desire to go into an early childhood career the opportunity to have all of their licensure and certification in place upon graduation, with work experience to boot.

  Beginning last year, every Superior seventh grade student receives hunter and bow safety certification free of charge through the generosity of outside hunting clubs.

  All qualified high school students also have the opportunity to take college courses and obtain the credits for them with tuition being paid by the school district.

  Oher projects, equally as impactful for the students are in the planning phases. 

  The process of reinstating the school alumni organization for all graduates has been started with the goal of keeping all graduates informed about the great things going and what is to come. The initial alumni news letter has been distributed via e-mail and graduates not on the list are asked contact the school so their addresses may be added. We want to share any and all the great things that are happening and what is yet to come.

Whetzal concluded by saying “The future is bright for our students and the Superior community as a whole.”

This a portion of the letter from Crook that sparked the superintendent’s response.

I can’t help that I am always trying to think of ways to make Superior more attractive for growth and a better place in which to live.

Several years ago I mentioned to several local people about adding a course in the high school and perhaps junior high on “personal finance and investing.” We may not be able to retain all high school graduates but we can possibly help create a few future millionaires who can be supporters of Superior’s various foundations. 

I cannot think of anything more important or more interesting for today’s students than a course entitled “How to become a Millionaire.”  Sign ups to take that course would be very high, I believe. Everyone I know, given the choice, would rather be financially independent than otherwise.  If the business of education is to prepare students for the real world experience, their futures largely depend on having the basic knowledge to become smart investors.

Superior, has greatly benefited from wealthier individuals who loved their home town and who made Superior’s citizens to be beneficiaries. One of those wise decisions is today’s Brodstone Hospital, so named after the Brodstone family.  Our hospital, the doctors, nurses and hospital staff took excellent care my mother and other family members in the past. 

Another more recent example is the Harry and Reba Huge Foundation which provided many scholarships to Superior area students. Lady Vestey and Harry Huge were separated by more than 100 years, but they made a lasting impact on Superior.  I am sure there are other benefactors through the years who have made a great impact on Superior residents but are unknown to me. 

I am so proud of the people who have a role in the success and growth of the Brodstone Hospital, the Simic Recreation Center, the Superior Library Foundation, the Superior Chamber of Commerce, the Auditorium Renovation and Ideal Market where I worked as an employee more than 65 years ago.  Think of all the challenges each of these organizations have had and have survived through the years. They and others have managed well and all are winners!

Mentioning the other great organizations prompts me to mention my first love for Superior.  That would be our community foundation known as the Superior 3000 Foundation Inc. with a mailing address of P.O. Box 74. Superior, NE 68978. It is A 501(c) (3) organization which means it is a federal tax exempt organization.

I think it imperative we all make an effort now, not in future decades.  Steps taken today will benefit the Superior area in the future.


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