JC Commissioners conduct October and November business

New hours set for county landfill

The Jewell County Commissioners met on Oct. 21, 2024. Commissioners Keith Roe, Ed Duskie and Brent Beck were present. Myka Zadina and Carla J. Waugh, county clerk, were also present for the meeting.

James Vaughan, solid waste director, said on Oct. 15, KDHE did a follow up walk-through inspection of the landfill with the new inspector and three members. He discussed the steps necessary to change the hours for the landfill with KDHE. He said the only access to the landfill will be during the new hours with an employee present to comply with KDHE guidelines. The new landfill hours started Nov. 6 and will be Wednesdays 1 to 5 p.m. and Saturdays 8 a.m to 12 p.m.

Don Jacobs, sheriff, and Cindy Becker, health administrator, requested Jewell County Commissioners declare the week of Oct. 23 to 31 as Red Ribbon Week. They discussed possible activities for Red Ribbon Week. The commissioners approved to proclaim the week of Oct. 23 to 31 as Red Ribbon Week.

Don Jacobs, sheriff, said DEA Take Back Week for any prescription drugs started Oct. 20.

Cindy Becker discussed the All-Hands-on Deck grant. The grant is $86,000. It must be spent in 15 months and is specifically for the Jewell County Health 365 Coalition with $20,500 of it returning to the county for salaries.

Carla Waugh, county clerk, said she received a reimbursement check from the State of Kansas for $7,082.50 for autopsies done on children under the age of 18. She also discussed funding for the Switzer Gap Cemetery in Sinclair Township.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed the email from KCAMP regarding the 2016 Caterpillar track- hoe. Elkins reported he will let KCAMP know they accept the insurance payment of $137,210.00. He also presented a spreadsheet of the current equipment being used by the county and discussed the number of hours and condition of the equipment.

The commissioners went into executive session with Joel Elkins present to discuss non-elected personnel. Regular session resumed with no action taken.

Tanya Paul, Outreach Specialist, DVACK, requested Jewell County Commissioners declare October Domestic Violence Awareness Month. She read the proclamation for domestic violence awareness. The commissioners approved to declare October Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

The commissioners accepted the Midwest Connect postage machine agreement for a new iX-7 series for 60 months for a total of $18,255.00.

The commissioners went into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel. Regular session resumed at with no action taken.


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