Wick recognized for 35 years of service to K-State Research and Extension

At the K-State Research and Extension Annual Conference in Manhattan, Sandra Wick, was recognized for 35 years of service to K-State Research and Extension.

She started her extension career in January of 1989 as the agriculture agent in Smith County along with sharing the 4-H youth development responsibilities with the family and consumer science agent. She served in that position until Smith County joined the Post Rock Extension District in 2012 where she now serves as the crop production agent for Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne and Smith counties.

She has been instrumental in establishing more than 80 demonstration test plots with many crops including alfalfa, corn, grain sorghum, soybeans and wheat along with hosting many agronomy field days, workshops and schools.

She has thoroughly enjoyed working with 4-H and farm families and providing research-based information from K-State Research and Extension. Whether she is out in a corn field or visiting with a producer on leasing arrangements to consulting a producer on fertilization or identifying a weed out in the field, you will find her doing what she loves…..sharing her passion of the agriculture industry!


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