Friday night rain soaks wide area

Rain soaks area

It had been a long time since this area had a wide-spread soaker but thankful we can report we had one Friday evening.

The National Weather Service Office invited area residents to submit rainfall reports on Saturday and the following reports were among those submitted. The reports come from gauges that may or may not meet weather service standards.

Paul Voboril, two mles west of Esbon, 1.80; Vanessa Walters, Red Cloud, 1.10; Mike Jordan, southwest of Beloit, 1.54; Chris Stupka, Concordia, 1.20; Patrick Hinricks, Roseland, 1.00; Scott Pierson, Osborne, 1.46; Troy Moser, Cawker City, 1.46 and Gloria Schlaefli, Ionia, 1.50.

CoCoRahs reports for Jewell County were: Formoso 1.22, Esbon 1.23 and Beloit 1.42.

CoCoRahs reports for Nuckolls County include Nora, 1.5 north, 0.98; Lawrence 1,10, Oak, 0.81, Lawrence 6.7 miles south east, 1.29, Nelson, 1.48, Deweese, 4.8 southeast, 0.71, and Superior, 1.29.

Thayer County observers reported 0.77 six miles southeast of Davenport, 0.64 three plus miles north east of Chester 0.64; Deshler 0.75, Byron, 4 miles north east, 0.69.

Webster County observers reported 1.45 4.3 miles east of Red Cloud and Guide Rock, 1.21.

The fall planted wheat seemed to respond instantly. By Sunday morning the field that were mostly brown mid-week had turned green.


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