Country Roads

Happy Fall-idays! The feeling of fall is all around us. As I write this, there are the sounds of combines busy in the neighboring field harvesting corn. My supposed-to-be-retired farmer husband has been busy the last few days helping his son by planting wheat in the just harvested soybean fields. Though I haven’t seen or heard any geese flying south yet, it soon will be happening. The once green grasslands are now showing dreary brown and tan tones.

Down in the Limestone Creek, the tree leaves are changing from green to yellow, browns and golden hues. Must of the hedge trees are a dark brown making the green gourds, that remain on the trees, visible. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. Most of the cattle are being trailered or driven homeward from the pastures.

In this area, all of the soybean fields are empty as their harvest time is completed. The dark orange and brown milo fields, though few in number anymore, remain yet to be harvested and the corn fields are being harvested. It was last week that the Harvest Moon was so bright and now it’s just shrunk down to a quarter size.

A week or so ago, a frost took care of most of the flowers and what was left of the garden produce. The only flowers left blooming are the mums and their blooms are starting to lose their colors. Every day leaves seem to fall and cover most of the yard. Around here, we never have to worry about raking leaves as the Kansas winds blow and take the leaves away.

The temperatures vary and though a person considers taking their sweaters, sweatshirts and jackets out of the closets one day, the next day we are turning our air conditioners back on. The night time temperatures are providing a break for the air conditioners and blankets are being added to the beds.

Halloween plans are made and treats are purchased for those Halloween visitors. The last of the high school football and volleyball games are being held.

It’s a beautiful time of the year but it can also make a person imagine what is coming in the next couple of months.


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