Ask a Pastor

Presenting biblical answers to tough questions.

Q: Do you believe there is such a place as Hell?

A: Perhaps a better question would be, Does the Bible clearly teach the reality of hell? or does Jesus Christ believe in hell? The perspective of God’ s inspired word and the God-man Himself are much more authoritative than any pastor’s opinion. However, the answer to all three of these questions is the same: yes!

Both the Bible in general and Jesus Christ in particular repeatedly teach about a place of everlasting punishment and torment. It is referred to as hell, the outer darkness, and the lake of fire. For sake of space I will give just three important teachings about hell from scripture: First, it was created to be a place of punishment for the Devil (which is why it is so terrible (Matthew 25:41). Second, we are told that it is a horrible place that no one in their right mind would ever want to go to (Matthew 22:13; Revelation 20:10). Finally we are also told that God does not want anyone to perish or go to hell (I Timothy 2:3-6; II Peter 3:9), in fact He was so committed to rescuing us from hell that he sent His only begotten Son as a sacrifice to take our place so that we could spend eternity with God in Heaven (John 3:16).

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