Sacred Heart Church Fire One-Year Anniversary passes quietly

Anniversaries are often intended to celebrate "happy" occasions and are accompanied with celebrations of many kinds. Other anniversaries observe occasions, important, but not always happy.

However, they both often pass without any recognition. The people of Lawrence are familiar with both occurrences. The tornado of 1990 anniversaries have not been met with happenstance of any kind. They just come and go.

So was the October 12, 2024 anniversary of the fire in Sacred Heart Church in Lawrence. It came, and it passed. I suspect it was met with numerous prayers and happy feelings on all the work that has been done on the restoration to date.

Much of the money originally raised for the renovations of the church for the 100th anniversary of the building in 1924, had been spent. Gratefully, the parish insurance will pay for the majority of the work being done at the present time.

However, extra work is being required for projects not covered by the insurance. A major project is the installation of a "lift" to allow handicap accessibility from the main floor to the basement.

Rev. Denton Morris recently updated parishioners and donors of the progress made on the first anniversary. Primary items noted were as follows: • New wiring throughout the church; • The entire church (every inch) had to be cleaned of the sooty smoke; • Stained glass windows are being removed and taken to Omaha to get cleaned and repaired where needed; • The two murals were repainted; • The Crucifixion scene and other statues taken to be cleaned and repaired; • The west sacristy was completely gutted and will be rebuilt. The east sacristy cabinetry was saved but will be remodeled.

In the basement: • Walls now have new drywall; • The old boiler was removed, and new heating and air conditioning is being installed; • Plumbers have worked on the three basement bathrooms, kitchen and upstairs bathroom; • Kitchen was gutted and will be completely redone; • CCD classrooms included in basement work.

The above list is not complete, but includes many of the major items. Among other major items needing to be addressed are: • Replacement of all vestments; • Flooring needs to be removed and re-installed; • Altars being constructed; • Pews are getting restored by Trevor Kucera; • New front doors to be installed and tile in main entry will be replaced.

Donations are still being given and gratefully accepted by the church.

Because of so many "unknowns," an estimated rededication date is impossible to forecast. Father Morris thanked all who have had a part in the rebuilding of the church, from all the workers who had a hand in it to all the donors, past, present and future. He noted: "We are bringing its greater glory back to our Lord."


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