Nelson American Legion Family learns about Freedom Traveling Wall

Rita Goodwin from Belleville, Kansas, was a guest at the Nelson American Legion Post 187 meeting held on Oct. 10. Rita is the coordinator of the Christian Patriot’s Remembrance Team (CPRT) that is hosting the America’s Freedom Traveling Wall June 5 through 9, 2025, at the Kansas National Guard Armory in Concordia. The wall is more than 440 feet long and includes not only the names of war casualties but also includes panels honoring those who have come home with PTSD, POW-MIAs and Agent Orange victims. Segments dedicated to First Responders, K-9 units and suicide statistics are also planned. Many events, including bands, singers and speakers are planned for the event as well as the presence of food vendors.

An undertaking of this magnitude requires the time, talents and resources of many. This may be cash, items donated for a raffle, labor and the use of tables, chairs, tents, etc.  You can learn more about the tribute by visiting the Facebook page - Freedom, Celebrate, Remember and may also contact a Legion Family member.

In their separate session, the auxiliary made plans for Trunk or Treat to be held on Halloween from 5:30 to 7 p.m., and selected the menu for the Annual Veterans Day supper. They also approved donations to Gifts for Yanks and for activities at the Central Nebraska Veterans Home and the Grand Island Medical Center.


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