Remembering what happened

The Garden of Peace and Oct. 21

September was an enlightening month for me this year.

On a recent trip through Medicine Bow Mountains in Wyoming, there was a turn off with a plaque on a huge rock that read "In memory of the 66 passengers and crew that perished on Medicine Bow Peak Oct. 6, 1955." Intrigued, I Googled the story. The story of the 66 passengers on a plane. Two of them infants. Some of them servicemen headed home after a deployment. Choir members. Moms. Dads. How that plane had changed its course and ended up crashing into the side of the mountain killing everyone on board. Devastation.

A few days later as I sat reading all the Facebook posts about September 11th (the somber anniversary of the Word Trade Center bombings). I read many posts of people sharing "where they were" or "what they were doing" and remembering how "they felt" at that exact moment the terror began. Remembering. Reliving. A moment that touched their hearts forever.

And it got me thinking.

Don't we all have a "9/11"? Don't we all have at least one big thing in our life that we will never forget? That when we close our eyes, we can still feel? Still hear the words? I do.

Mine is Oct. 21. I remember the first phone call. The call that changed the course of my life, and that of many. I remember so much from that day. So many things I can still see in my mind and will never forget.

And I know you have those moments too. I know many of you can remember where you were or what you were doing on Oct. 21, 2021 when you first got the page...the call...heard the sirens....heard the news...or actually witnessed and lived through it. Maybe a vision or a memory you'd like to forget. And each time we visit those memories, our hearts break. Mine too. Not just for me. But also for you. And we could stop our story there. With the horror. With the anger. With the terror. And we could live bitter, cynical lives.

And as I sit here, sipping my cup of tea, thinking and remembering, God reminds me of the Gospel.

The Gospel of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The Gospel that states "Jesus Christ gave Himself to die on a cross, delivering sinners from bondage." And how much that innocent man was hated. Was beaten. Was spit upon. And eventually died the most horrific death we could ever imagine. All while his dear mother watched. And cried. And prayed. He did it for you! And me!

But God.

But God didn't stop His story with the death of His Son. He didn't let that be the end of the story. No, Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. He died for my salvation and yours. He defeated death! And we will too!

No, our story doesn't stop with our "9/11" or "10/21" moment in our life.

It has changed us.

It has changed me.

I no longer take things for granted. Time with family is even more precious than before. Living each day with purpose is now my mission. Friends have taken on a whole new meaning. And I have realized those who have supported us through the worst, are the ones to hold on to. They are gems. They are part of our story.

You are part of my story.

And Jesus has put us all here for such a time as this. I beg you to never forget that. No matter the pain, the trial, the memories...we are all still here to fulfill our purpose.

I stand with you. I continue to pray for you. And together we will boldly march into another year with God leading the way.

For anyone wanting conversation or prayer on Monday, Oct. 21, I will be at the beautiful "Garden of Peace" between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. that day. Please stop, chat and let's pray for beauty from the ashes.

Much love,

Kelli Koepke


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