
I’m getting to not like “weather reports” more and more every year.

For the two weeks prior to last weekend we were told to expect ‘good rains’ last weekend, most likely on Sunday.

Well, Sunday came and went and many people set plans up to accommodate the rain. I’m not sure of other parts of Nebraska, but here in South Central Nebraska, the rain was not enough to settle the dust.

The week end gives credit to the old farmer’s story that went something like this:

“Remember that time it rained for forty days and forty nights?”

“Here in south central Nebraska, we got a quarter of an inch of rain.”


ELECTIONS . . . The closer we get to November and the presidential election date, the more information come out for us to consider. When it comes to politics, “Catholics” and “Christians” are often considered as identical entities. Christians include most all churches that try to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. For politicians it doesn’t make much difference if you are called Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, or the hundreds of other entities that consider themselves “Christians.”

I spell this out because I just received a printed sheet that summarized Kamala Harris’s history of targeting Catholics (Christians in general) in her political life. They do a better job at telling the story than I could, so I’m passing this on to you to consider no matter what Christian domination you may belong to.

No. 1: Kamala claimed the Knights of Columbus – and by extension, the Catholic Church – too “extreme positions” on the sanctity of life and marriage. She wanted judicial nominee Brian Buescher to promise to renounce his membership from the Knights if appointed as a federal judge.

No. 2: Kamala introduced the “Do No Harm Act” which would force Catholic doctors to perform abortions and “transgender” surgeries. She also pledged to enact the Equality Act, which the American bishops have said would “run roughshod over religious liberty” by punishing Americans who oppose gender ideology.

No. 3: Kamala colluded with Planned Parenthood to silence pro-life Catholic journalist David Daleiden for exposing their illegal scheme to harvest aborted baby body parts. She ordered a SWAT team to raid David’s home and confiscate his video evidence of Planned Parenthood’s evil deeds.

No. 4: Kamala sponsored a law forcing pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise free abortions at abortion clinics. She has an A+ rating from Planned Parenthood, and she was the first Vice President to visit an abortion facility.

I know some voters question whether or not they should (or would) vote for Trump. However, just the facts above (let alone questions about the southern border, or the economy) surely question any vote for Kamala. She is anti-Catholic (Christian); she is anti-life (supporting abortions and Planned Parenthood); she believes there are more than two genders with her ‘transgender’ policies (males competing in female sports); with the Brian Buescher judicial nominee, she seems to question a ‘freedom of religion’ if you want a governmental job.

A person may question a vote for Trump, but please consider what a vote for Kamala would do. You will not like the results.

You may also question whether, or not, a vote here in south central Nebraska is going to make any difference at all. Well, I think it does as it helps to fight some of the most serious moral questions of the day.


NEBRASKA ELECTIONS: We in Nebraska will have the chance to vote on a couple of very important questions in November. They both involve the abortion questions. A couple of comments:

VOTE AGAINST 439: The “initiative 439,” pushed by pro-abortions activists, will cement unregulated late-pregnancy abortion in the Nebraska Constitution, funded by taxpayers. No. 1: It’s unsafe: widely supported laws requiring informed consent before abortions and basic safety inspections of clinics will be eliminated. No. 2: It’s unregulated: vague and abstract terms will drastically expand abortions in Nebraska. No. 3: It’s un-Nebraskan: Out of state special interest groups and America’s largest abortion corporation are funding initiative 439. They stand to profit from increased abortions in Nebraska.

Please: Vote against 439.

VOTE FOR 434: Launched by medical professionals, Initiative 434 will amend the Nebraska state constitution to protect babies in the second and third trimesters and keep women safe. No. 1: Nebraska’s widely supported, common-sense safeguards will remain intact to protect women against unsafe, coerced abortions. No. 2: Initiative 434 maintains current abortion-related safety laws including informed consent, parental notification, and licensing and inspection requirements for abortion facilities.

Please: Vote for 434.



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