JC Commissioners approve budgets

The Jewell County Commissioners met Monday, Aug. 26. Commissioners Keith Roe, Ed Duskie and Brent Beck were present. Myka Zadina and Carla Waugh, county clerk, were also present for the meeting.

The following were present for the office head meeting and provided an update for their department: Anna Porter, county appraiser; Carla Waugh, county clerk; Myka Zadina; Nora Rhoades, Post Rock Extension District director and Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator. Those absent: Cindy Becker, health administrator; Amanda Davis, register of deeds; Brenda Eakins, treasurer, Chris Petet, custodian; Don Jacobs, sheriff; James A. Vaughan IV, solid waste director; Shannon Meier, ambulance director; Scott Wright, county attorney; and Joel Elkins, general superintendent. Kevin Peroutek reported for emergency management that they are updating the mitigation plan, which is updated every five years. He said as part of the update, they had a meeting with Webber to see if they want to participate in the plan. They will also meet with Formoso. Kevin said the noxious weed regional meeting on Thursday, Nov.14, will be co-hosted with Mitchell and Jewell County at the Beloit Vo-Tech.

Anna Porter said they are continuing to work on the 17 percent re-inspection. She reported she has a new employee as well as a part-time person. She said the other offices have been helping out while they have been short staffed.

Nora Rhoades said the Post Rock Extension District budget hearing is in September. She reported they had agent turnover this year.

Carla Waugh said she prepared the lawn service maintenance bids. She said the surplus furniture is listed for sale on Nex-Tech classifieds. She said the clerk’s office completed the election process for the primary and all reporting. They have begun the programming for the November General Election.

Brent Beck said he attended the juvenile detention center meeting and will attend the hospital board meeting. He said he continues to look at roads in need of repair that had been reported to him.

Ed Duskie said he attended the JCDDA meeting. He responded to Lisa Goodheart, fair board, about their improvement project. He also continues to follow up on road concerns.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, reported they are working on four dirt road projects and hauling asphalt on Y Road. He said Jeff and Bret worked some dirt roads in the southern part of the county. Joel said they are starting a road project for Chris Bruning that has been on the list for quite some time. Brent discussed patching needed on 190 Road.

Jeff Byrnes, Eakes managing partner, discussed fax lines vs. the E Gold Fax Solution for Government. He said it is a cloud based fax solution. It will eliminate the cost of the monthly fax line. He said the new system delivers the fax as a PDF to an email. Christian Pohlenz, Eakes Technology Services manager, said they have a government grade plan for security purposes.

Carla Waugh looked in the official road record journal, to determine the official width of the road located on the east side of Section 22 of Washington Township. She said the road is 60 feet wide.

Chairman Roe opened the RNR Hearing for public comment on the 2025 Jewell County Budget. Bob Angleton wanted insight on how the budget process works. He also asked what he should expect in the coming years for tax rates. Resolution 24-05 to exceed the RNR for the 2025 Jewell County Budget was approved.

Chairman Roe closed the RNR hearing and opened the 2025 Budget Hearing for public comment. The commissioners approved the 2025 Jewell County Budget as presented. Chairman Roe closed the 2025 budget hearing. Bob Angleton and John Ross were present for the RNR and budget hearing.


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