
How about those Nebraska Cornhuskers. I haven’t checked the records, but when was the last time we were 3-0 to start a year? And when was the last time I got excited about winning three games in a row? I noticed this week’s game will mark the 400th game in a row the Huskers will have a ‘sold-out’ game.

I remember a few years back attending the game that was the 300th sell-out.

I also remember when the ‘sold-out’ string started. Back in 1962, when Bob Davaney, Dave Mazour, I think Tom Osborne and myself all started our University experiences in Lincoln. I attended that first game of the sold-out string as well.

Go Big Red.


For some time now, I’ve been getting information on the computer each morning I never got before. A short weather prediction, market reports, etc. The one I really enjoy is the traffic report for Lawrence. I think every day since I’ve seen it, the report is for “light traffic.” They have a map that goes with it and it never shows any traffic problems.

What else could a person ask for?


Pope Francis just completed a visit to Indonesia and on his trip back to Rome, he gave interviews to members of the press who accompanied him on the plane home. A couple of comments were interesting.

He continued his strong defense of the unborn children, citing abortions are always wrong. He noted he understood some abortions were taking place just so the woman could afford to have a dog or cat in the home, or pay for a vacation, or buy something for the house. Those reasons and many others were no reason to kill babies.

He encouraged larger families, expressing the thought that three, four or five children help provide a great family setting.

I often criticize the national media for not publishing such news items, but they did publish some of this story.

What is interesting is that the Republican vice-presidential candidate, J. D. Vance, said the almost exact same things a month or so back and he got beat up by the national media for his statements.

The national media picks and choses what it wants to say.


Did you watch the Trump – Harris political debate last week?

I have to admit I did not. The reason being . . . I feel I know Harris cannot say anything to earn my vote. She has shown enough in the past that would predict what she would do in the future. And that isn’t good.

I understand she has finally put out a “Policy Platform” she wants to follow: Let’s visit a few of the things she wants to do:

• She said she will “secure” our border and fix the broken immigration system.” That’s interesting since she and Biden changed the previous system as soon as they claimed power. Her bill she recently supported “spends $20 billon to not secure the border, but to more efficiently encounter, process and disperse illegal migrants,” according to Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin.

• Harris wants to pass the ”Equality Act” into law. The bill would add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes in the 1964 Civil Rights Act. What it would do would be to force schools and other programs to allow biological males who “identify” as females to compete against girls and women in sports and use private female facilities such as bathrooms and locker rooms.

• One last example: Harris promises to crackdown on Iran. The Biden-Harris administration loosened U. S. economic sanctions on Iran, netting the Islamist regime $71 billion more than under Trump-Pence administration policies.

The Pope, in his interview, encourages Americans to vote for the least bad candidate. Harris is proud to be part of a “baby-killing” society and you can’t get much worse than that. Whatever you think of Trump, he can’t be any worse than that.



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