
Autumn . . .

Ya, I know that season is not quite here yet, but last weekend sure made me feel like it was. No, I not talking about the weather, I’m talking about the Fall Sports Season.

It was a difficult summer for me. I no longer get three daily newspapers and I haven’t gotten into reading all the sports news on the computer, so when high school and college sports got started last weekend, I was happy.

The L-N Raider football team lost their game, but I thought they played well and better things will happen. The L-N Raider volleyball team won and lost, but again I have hope they will do well.

The Huskers ? ? ? Well, the football team won . . . and looked pretty good doing so. It wasn’t an “ugly win” but rather a solid performance. The Volleyball team won three games and looked outstanding doing so.

There are a few other schools I follow, but I certainly do enjoy the chance to watch my teams play.


With the presidential elections now less than two months away, a person gets a little tired of all the election news that comes from the national media. But every so often a speech sticks with a person. The speech that came to mind recently occurred more than 60 years ago, but it was one made by a Democratic president that really shows just how much our political parties have changed.

In 1960, John F. Kennedy’s speech at his inauguration set the tone for his idea of what Americans should consider. This came from a Democratic president.

“Ask not what your country can do for you, rather ask what you can do for your country.”

Those words inspired many. In fact, they may have been part of the reason I wanted to serve my country in the military service.

However, the point I want to make here is that there was a Democratic president asking us to limit what we expect to get from our government.

Does that sound like what our current president and the Democratic Party candidate, Harris, is asking for. Are not the Democrats asking for the government to do more and more. And in most all areas of our lives.

Examples ? ? ?

There are many, but just to use a few so you get my idea.

No. 1: Student loans: Maybe, if I was a young 20 something resident, I would like to have my student loan paid off by the government. But as a much older person who paid off his loans when he graduated from school I balk at having to pay off loans of other people. Often people who are now making more money than I ever thought of. These are Democrats wanting to do this.

No. 2: The Border: Democrats are spending millions upon millions of dollars from many different sources to help care for all the illegal aliens coming into our country. The Democrats are the party that have made it possible for millions of illegal aliens to come into our country and then give away our resources to care for them. I hate to see anyone suffer, but isn’t it sort of backwards for the Democrats to create a problem so huge it can only be solved by a massive government program?

No. 3: Regulation ? ? ? Congress can pass laws, but it is the government that implement laws. The Democrats seem to want so many regulations to operate laws that no matter what you do, you are going to infringe on some of those regulations at one time or another. They often are useful only to build up the government operation needed to insure their wishes are met.

In general, what I’m saying is that the Democrats are trying to do just the opposite of what they were doing in 1960. They are encouraging people to want (no, expect) more and more from the government. I don’t see any ideas where they are asking the citizens to do more for their country.

The items above mostly involve money, they don’t consider the many ‘social’ problems American live with most of the time. Consider the following:

Who opposes the Right To Life? The Democrats want to allow the killing of children via abortions. The Republicans at least want to limit abortions as much as possible.

Who wants to allow men to play in women’s sports? The Democrats seem to believe there are many genders and men should be allowed to play in women’s sport if they choose. Republicans support the fact that there are only two genders: male and female.

Elections: Democrats believe in automatic voter registration, mass mailings of unsolicited mail-in-ballots and voting without a photo ID. Republicans believe in stricter controls on mail-in-ballots, voter verification and vote counting.

In 1960, the Democrats seemed to be supporting the idea that people should not expect so much from government. In 2024, Democrats seem to support ideas and practices to get government to do more and more for you whether or not it is a good idea, moral, or simply does any good.

I suggest to those of you that hold on to your support of the Democrats because that is what you and your family have always supported the Democrats, it is time to change. I suggest this because the Democratic Party of 2024 certainly is not the same Party of 1960.

I chose to leave the Democrat Party because the Democratic Party chose to leave me.


Did you watch the Democratic Convention on TV?

Seems the Democrats were all about love and gratitude to Joe Biden to be so gracious to step aside “for the good of the party.”

I find that hard to believe?

I read an article written by Josh Hammer last week. He laid out just how the Obamas, Clintons, Nancy Pelosi and others forced Biden to do something he really didn’t want to do.

Democrats do whatever it takes to win: good, bad or evil. One of my favorite lines in the article was this:

“As for the notion that Biden is a “good man” – this, too, is a lie. Indeed, it has been one of the biggest, most frequently repeated lies of my entire life. Biden is not a good man. Let’s ask Mary Ellen Bork whether Biden, who teamed up with Mary Jo Kopechne murderer Ted Kennedy, to so brutally savage her late husband Robert’s Supreme Court nomination that “bork” entered the English lexicon as a verb, is a “good man.”



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