The Jewell County Commissioners, Keith Roe, Ed Duskie and Brent Beck, met July 29. Carla Waugh, county clerk, and Myka Zadina were present for the meeting.
The following were present for the office head meeting and provided an update for their department: Chris Petet, custodian; Don Jacobs, sheriff; Anna Porter, county appraiser; James A. Vaughan IV, solid waste director; Carla J. Waugh, county clerk; Brenda Eakins, treasurer, and Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator. Those absent: Cindy Becker, health administrator; Amanda Davis, register of deeds; Shannon Meier, ambulance director; Scott Wright, county attorney; Joel Elkins, general superintendent, and Nora Rhoades, Post Rock extension district director.
Jacobs said he attended the KEMA meeting and the Regional Homeland Security meeting. He will attend the K-9 group training. He also discussed an agreement with Smith County to assist them with dispatching. Don Jacobs provided the stats for the last month.
Porter said Wednesday, July 31, was Marilou Becker’s last day. She retired after working for Jewell County for 37 years.
Peroutek said he has someone interested in the part-time sprayer position. He has had a lot of complaints about weeds and will be sending out warning letters. He has worked with Ed Duskie in the south part of the county on a spraying issue. Kevin reported for the emergency preparedness that he attended the Regional Homeland Security meeting. He said notices can be put on the electronic sign.
Eakins said she is training two new employees.
Petet said a door was installed to the entrance of the Sheriff’s Office. The screen door will be installed when it is delivered.
Vaughan said KDHE extended the response deadline to correct violations. Ed Duskie asked about changing the locks at the landfill. He also said the landfill should be open on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings.
Waugh said the clerk’s office has been working with Nex-Tech for the .gov domain and Microsoft licenses to set up new email addresses for all the departments. The clerk’s office worked on the 25 township budgets and assisted several cities with their budgets. They had inputted all the RNR information into the vendor program for the RNR notices mailed Aug. 9. They began mailing advance ballots on July 17 and also in office early voting.
Ed Duskie said he attended the JAC online meeting. He has checked on several roads and other county issues. He has received complaints about vehicles and equipment parked on county right of way and ditches.
Keith Roe said he attended the Regional Planning Board Quarterly Board meeting. He reported the Jewell County Health Department received an “All Hands on Deck” grant for substance abuse for children. Jewell County will receive $10,000.
The commissioners approved to allow Jewell County dispatchers to work at Smith County Dispatch on a temporary basis.
Chairman Roe welcomed everyone to the meeting concerning the NIETC (Land Grab). Keith Roe said Jewell County Commissioners have already made public statements strongly opposing the 5-Mile-Wide Transmission Line. Beth Salmans led the discussion of the NIETC, and the negative effects it will have to the rural areas including hazards to health and loss in revenue. She requested the commissioners pass a resolution to place a moratorium on this project. Others in attendance were Jane Pahls, Glenda Shoemaker, Sharon Bean, Bob Burda, Carolyn Simms, Dick Schlaefli, Larry Glauser, Danielle Russell, Richelle Russell, Teresa Griffeth Kelly Griffeth, Thomas Schwerman, and Jessica Scott.
The commissioners passed Resolution 24-04 unanimously.
Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed the tree shredder projects. Brent said Brad Purcell reported the crew did a good job on his road. Joel Elkins said the estimated cost for the bridge replacement project on the county line is approximately $419,000. He also discussed repairs to the Dozer and other equipment.
Commissioners added the following to the Jewell County Handbook “Travel Expenses for training when Jewell County is a fiscal agent should follow the grant’s guidelines and policies for travel expenses.” Motion passed with Roe and Beck voting yes and Duskie voting no.
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