School days . . . school daze . . . Whichever way you look at it, the graduates of the Lawrence High School class of 1974 gathered Saturday, at the home of Gary and Sherri Buescher in Lawrence. Stories of those days had 50 years to be embellished and be enjoyed by the group of former classmates. Not all members of the class could attend, but those enjoying the gathering are shown above. They are (back row, from left) Carl Kohmetscher, Steve Janda, Gene Hubl, Marty Ostrander, Paul Kimminau, Dan Pohlmeier, Terry Buschkoetter, (front row) Roxi Petr Silver, Marlene Kathman Hubl, Dorothy Menke, Janet Svoboda Williams and Sherri Ziggafoos Buescher.
The Lawrence High School Class of 1974 invited the school's 1974 teaching staff to join them for their 50th anniversary of graduation from Lawrence High School. Former teachers who joined them are (from left) John Lakey, Pam Arbogast (representing husband, Galen Arbogast) Doris Rempe, Marmette Hickman, Carroll Troudt, Terry Leslie and Jim Hinrichs.
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