Jewell County Fair Results

The Jewell County Fair results are in for the 2024 year. There were premiums this year that were $2.50 for grand champion, $2.50 for reserve grand champion, $2.50 for champion ribbons, $2.50 for reserve champion ribbons, $2.25 for purple ribbons, $2 for blue ribbons, $1.50 for red ribbons, $1for white ribbons and $0 for green ribbons.

Mankato Eager Beavers

Jacob Cockroft was in the senior age. He received a blue ribbon in the poster, notebook, display class of the shooting sports department, a blue ribbon in the market lamb class of the sheep department, a blue ribbon each for his two entries in breeding ewes class of the sheep department, a blue ribbon in the sheep showmanship senior class of the sheep department, a blue ribbon for both the sheep daily gain and sheep carcass classes of the sheep department, and a champion ribbon for the prospect class of the sheep department. In the swine department, Jacob received a blue ribbon for the market pig class, a blue ribbon for swine, showmanship senior class, a grand champion ribbon for the swine daily gain, and a red ribbon in the swine carcass class.

William Cockroft was in the senior age as well and received a blue ribbon in the poster, notebook, display class of the shooting sports department. In the swine department he received a blue ribbon for the swine, showmanship senior class, a champion ribbon for the market pig class, and a white ribbon for the swine carcass class.

Dallasen Colson had three entries in the display class of the Cloverbuds department and received a green ribbon for each entry.

Stetson Colson is in the junior age and had three entries in the color enlargement class of the photography department. He received a blue ribbon, a grand champion ribbon and a purple ribbon for those entries. In the visual arts department, Stetson received a blue ribbon in the crafts from a kit class. In the meat goats department, he received a blue ribbon in the goat showmanship junior class, a blue ribbon in the goat carcass contest, a blue ribbon in the goat display class, a purple ribbon in the goat stall decor class and a reserve champion ribbon in the market meat goat class. In the swine department, Stetson received a blue ribbon in each the swine carcass, swine daily gain, and swine showmanship junior classes, a champion ribbon in both the market pig and breeding gilt classes, grand champion in market pig and breeding gilt classes, and a reserve grand champion ribbon in the swine carcass class.

Waysen Colson was in the senior age and had two entries in the color enlargement class of the photography department in which he won a blue ribbon and a purple ribbon, in the black and white class of the photography department, he received a red ribbon. In the fine arts class of the visual arts department he received a blue ribbon. In the sheep department, Waysen received a blue ribbon each for his two entries in the sheep daily gain class, blue ribbons each for his two entries in the sheep carcass class, a champion ribbon in the market lamb class, a grand champion in the market lamb class, a reserve champion in the market lamb class, a reserve champion in the breeding ewes class. In the swine department, he received a blue ribbon for each of his entries in the breeding gilt class, a blue ribbon in the swine carcass class, a blue ribbon in the swine daily gain class, a champion ribbon and a grand champion ribbon for his entries in the swine, showmanship senior class. In the round robin class of the round robin department, Waysen received a reserve grand champion ribbon.

Emmit Dunstan is junior age. In the horses department, Emmit received a blue ribbon in the gelding class, a blue ribbon in the western pleasure junior class, a blue ribbon in the costume class, a blue ribbon in the barrels class, a blue ribbon in the horsemanship junior class, a blue ribbon in each the horse poster class and the horse report class. In the reining class, Emmit received a grand champion ribbon. He received a purple ribbon in the trail class, a purple ribbon in the key hole class, a purple ribbon in pole bending class, a purple ribbon in horse stall decor, and a reserve grand champion ribbon in western horsemanship junior class.

Griffin Dunstan is senior age and in the horses department received a blue ribbon in the western pleasure senior class, a blue ribbon in western horsemanship senior class, a blue ribbon each in the reining class, the pole bending class, the barrels class, the horsemanship senior class, the horse poster class, the horse report class, and the horse stall decor class. Griffin received a purple ribbon for the costume class, a purple ribbon for the key hole class, reserve grand champion for the filly-mare class, and reserve grand champion for the trail class.

Kaine Dunstan is junior age and in the horses department received a blue ribbon for the gelding class, a blue ribbon for the western pleasure junior class, a blue ribbon for the trail class, the reining class, the costume class, the key hole class, the horsemanship junior class, the horse poster class and the horse report class. A purple ribbon was received for the horse stall decor class, a red ribbon for western horsemanship junior class, a red ribbon for the pole bending class, and a red ribbon for the barrels class.

Blaine Frost in the senior age group received a blue ribbon for both of his entries in the beef carcass contest of the beef department, a blue ribbon for the daily gain market steer, a champion ribbon in the market steer class, a red ribbon in the market steer class, a red ribbon in the showmanship senior class, and a reserve grand champion ribbon in the daily gain market steer class all of the meat department.

Devyn Frost in the junior age group and had two entries in the color enlargement class of the photography department in which she won a blue ribbon and a blue ribbon. In the visual arts department, general crafts class, Devyn had three entries in which she received a purple ribbon for each entry. In the beef department, Devyn received a blue ribbon in the daily gain market steer class, a champion ribbon in the breeding class, a champion ribbon in the showmanship junior class, a reserve champion in the market steer class, a reserve grand champion ribbon in each the breeding class, the market steer class, and the showmanship junior class, and a white ribbon in the beef carcass class. In the meat goats department, Devyn received a blue ribbon in the goat carcass contest class, a champion ribbon in the market meat goat class, a champion ribbon in the goat showmanship junior class, a reserve grand champion ribbon in the market meat goat and the goat showmanship junior classes. In the sheep department, a blue ribbon was received for the sheep carcass class, a champion ribbon for the breeding ewes class, a champion ribbon for the sheep showmanship junior class, grand champion in the breeding ewes and sheep showmanship junior class, reserve champion and reserve grand champion in the market lamb classes. In the Round Robin class of the round robin department, Devyn received a grand champion ribbon.

Whitley Frost in the senior age group received a blue ribbon in the beef department daily gain market steer, a champion ribbon in the breeding class of the beef department, a champion ribbon in the market steer class, a champion ribbon in the showmanship senior class, grand champion in breeding, market steer and showmanship senior classes and a white ribbon in the beef carcass contest. All of these classes were in the beef department.

Harlee Harris in the senior age group received a blue ribbon for the reporter book class of the 4-H Club-FFA department, a reserve grand champion ribbon for the potted plant class of horticulture and landscape department, a blue ribbon in the poster, notebook, display class of the leadership department. Harlee had two entries in the color enlargement class of the photography department in which a blue ribbon and a red ribbon were received. In the beef department, Harlee received a blue ribbon in the beef carcass contest class, a blue ribbon in the daily gain market steer class, a champion ribbon in the market heifer class, a reserve champion in the breeding class, and reserve champion in the showmanship senior class. In the horses department, Harlee received a blue ribbon in each the filly-mare class, the western pleasure senior class, the western horsemanship senior class, the trail class, costume class, barrels and horse poster classes. She received a champion ribbon in the horsemanship senior class, a green ribbon in the key hole class, a purple ribbon in the horse report class, a purple ribbon in the horse stall decor, a red ribbon in the reining class and a reserve grand champion ribbon in the horsemanship senior class. In the meat goats department, Harlee received a champion ribbon in each the breeding doe class, the market meat goat class, and the goat showmanship senior class. A grand champion ribbon was received in the breeding doe class, the market meat goat class, the goat showmanship senior class and the goat carcass contest. For the goat display class, a reserve grand champion ribbon was received. In the livestock judging, senior class of the livestock judging department, a reserve grand champion ribbon was awarded.

Adaline Henry in the junior age group received a blue ribbon for the sheep poster class of the sheep department.

Tenzleigh Herz in the senior age group received blue ribbons on both entries of the market meat goat class of the meat goats department. Also in the meat goats department, Tenzleigh received a grand champion ribbon in the goat display class, a reserve champion in the goat showmanship senior class, reserve grand champion in the goat carcass contest, and a white ribbon in the goat carcass contest class. In the sheep department, Tenzleigh received a blue ribbon for each entry into the market lamb class, a blue ribbon for sheep showmanship senior class, a blue ribbon each for the two entries in the sheep daily gain class, and a blue ribbon each for the two entries in the sheep carcass class.

Kendall Koss received a green ribbon for each of the three entries in the display class of the cloverbuds department, and a blue ribbon in the horse stall decor class of the horses department.

Nathan Waldner received a green ribbon in the display class of the cloverbuds department.

Abigail Pumphrey, a junior age group member, received in the swine department, a blue ribbon in the breeding gilt class, a blue ribbon in the swine carcass class, a blue ribbon each in the two entries in the swine daily gain class, a champion ribbon in the market pig and swine, showmanship junior classes, a red ribbon in the swine carcass class, a reserve champion ribbon in the market pig class, and a reserve grand champion ribbon in the swine, showmanship junior class.

Avery Pumphrey in the junior age group received a blue ribbon in the miscellaneous food class of the foods department, a blue ribbon for both entries in the market lamb class of the sheep department, a blue ribbon for the sheep showmanship junior class, a blue ribbon for each of the two entries of the sheep daily gain class. In the sheep carcass class she received a red ribbon for one entry and a reserve grand champion ribbon for the other. In the swine department, Avery received a blue ribbon in the swine carcass class, a blue ribbon in the swine daily gain class, a blue ribbon in the swine, showmanship junior class and a champion ribbon in the market pig class.

Faith Reinert in the senior age group had two entries in the crochet class of the fiber arts department in which she received a grand champion ribbon and a reserve grand champion ribbon, in the leadership department, she received a reserve grand champion ribbon in the poster, notebook, display class. Faith had three entries in the color enlargement class of the photography department, she received one blue and two red ribbons. In the visual arts department, Faith received a blue ribbon and a purple ribbon for her two entries in the fine arts class, and a purple ribbon in the crafts from a kit class. In the horses department, Faith received a blue ribbon for the horse display class.

Val Jean Reiter in the junior age group received a blue ribbon in the photography department in the color enlargement class, a blue ribbon for both of her entries in the black and white class, a purple ribbon in color enlargement class, a purple ribbon in black and white class, and a red ribbon in the color enlargement class. Val Jean received a grand champion ribbon in the visual arts department leather and jewelry class. In the dairy goats department, Val Jean received a champion ribbon in the breeding doe class, a reserve champion in the showmanship junior class, reserve grand champion in the breeding doe class, and reserve grand champion in the showmanship junior class. A blue ribbon was received in the market meat goat class of the meat goats department, a blue ribbon was received in the goat showmanship, junior class of the meat goats department, a blue ribbon was received for the meat chicken pen of three class of the poultry department and a red ribbon was received in the standard fowl old bird class of the poultry department. In the sheep department, a blue ribbon was received in the prospect class, a blue ribbon was received in the sheep showmanship junior class and a reserve champion was received in the prospect class.

Aaron Underwood, senior age group, received a blue ribbon in the wheat class, a blue ribbon in the alfalfa class, a grand champion ribbon in the corn class, and a reserve grand champion ribbon in the grass hay class, all of the agronomy department. In the horticulture and landscape department, a blue ribbon was received for each the medium vegetable spec class, and each entry in the large vegetable spec class. In the swine department, Aaron received a blue ribbon for the market pig class, a blue ribbon in the swine, showmanship senior class, a champion ribbon in the market pig class, and two white ribbons for entries in the swine carcass class.

Allison Underwood, senior age group, received a purple ribbon in the patchwork-quilt class of the fiber arts department, a blue ribbon in the non perishable food class, a purple ribbon in the non perishable food class, a purple ribbon in the table setting-menu class, and a reserve grand champion in the non perishable food class, all of the foods department. In the horticulture and landscape department, a blue ribbon was received in the medium vegetable spec. class, a blue ribbon in the large vegetable spec. class, a blue ribbon in fresh culinary herb, a blue ribbon in the annual flower class, a blue ribbon in the perennial flower class, a grand champion ribbon in the fresh flower arrangement class, a purple ribbon for two entries in the annual flower class. In the pets department, a grand champion ribbon was received in the show and tell class and a purple ribbon was received in the poster, notebook, display class. Allison had three entries in the color enlargement class of the photography department in which she received a blue ribbon a purple ribbon and a red ribbon. In the fine arts class of the visual arts department. Allison received a blue ribbon, in the crafts from a kit class of the visual arts department, a blue ribbon was received and a purple ribbon was received in the fine arts class of the visual arts department. In the swine department, a blue ribbon was received in each the market pig, swine carcass, and swine, showmanship senior classes, a red ribbon was received in the swine daily gain class, reserve champion ribbon was received in the market pig class, and a white ribbon was received in the swine carcass class.

Hannah Waide of the junior age group received a red ribbon in the historian book class of the 4-H Club-FFA department, a grand champion ribbon in the patchwork-quilt class of the fiber arts department, a purple ribbon in the table setting-menu class of the foods department, a reserve grand champion ribbon in the non perishable food class of the foods department. In the color enlargement class of the photography department, Hannah received one blue ribbon and two red ribbons, in the poultry department, a blue ribbon was received in the standard bantam young class and a purple ribbon in the standard fowl old bird class.

Levi Waide of the junior age group received a blue ribbon in the poster, display, notebook class of the aeros-rocketry department, a blue ribbon in the non perishable food class in the foods department, a grand champion ribbon in the show and tell class of the pets department, and a purple ribbon in the leather and jewelry class of the visual arts department.

In the Open Class

Mandi Angleton received in the photography department, a blue ribbon was received in the animals class, a blue ribbon was received in the people class, a red ribbon was received in the animals class, a red ribbon was received in the any subject class, a red ribbon was received in the people class, and a white ribbon was received in the any subject class. In the wood craft, any class of the visual arts department a best of show ribbon was received.

Thelma Beam received a blue ribbon in the machine quilted 2nd party class of the quilting department and two red ribbons in the machine quilted 2nd party class of the quilting department.

Jeanie Blair in the floriculture department received a blue ribbon in the misc. flower, any class, a blue ribbon in the succulents, any class, a red ribbon in the pholx, any class, and a red ribbon in the misc. flower, any class.

Haylee Bledsoe received a red ribbon in the animals class, a red ribbon in the landscape class, and two red ribbons in the any subject class, all of the photography department.

Hilary Bledsoe received a red ribbon in the any subject class and a white ribbon in the animals class, both of the photography department.

Karen Boden received a red ribbon in the machine quilted, 2nd party class of the quilting department, and two blue ribbons for entries in the nonwear item, any class of the sewing-fiber arts department.

Lori Bonjour received a best in show ribbon in the machine quilted, 2nd party class of the quilting department.

Burkley Bouray received a best in show ribbon for his entry in the beef class and a best of show in the market steer class of the OC Beef department and a champion ribbon in the beef, general showmanship class of the Showmanship department.

Brett Walker received a blue ribbon in the wheat, any class of the field crops department, a blue ribbon in the landscape class of the photography department, a blue ribbon in the any subject class of the photography department, and two red ribbons for his entries in the landscape class of the photography department.

Joan Broeckelman received two blue ribbons for her entries in the machine quilted, 2nd party class of the quilting department and a blue ribbon in the machine quilt small items, ar class of the quilting department.

Brynlee Jeffery received a best in show ribbon for the fruits class of the garden department and a red ribbon in the small vegetable class of the garden department.

Alice Buckland received a best in show ribbon in the quick bread, any class of the foods department, a red ribbon in the cookies, any class of the foods department, a red ribbon for jelly, any class of the foods department, a red ribbon in the watercolor, any class of the visual arts department, a blue ribbon in the goats general showmanship class of the showmanship department, and a blue ribbon in the swine general showmanship class of the showmanship department.

Burkley Bouray in the photography department received a blue ribbon in the buildings class and a red ribbon in the animals class.

Jenna Cady received a red ribbon in the succulents, any class of the floriculture department, a red ribbon in the animals class of the photography department, and two red ribbons in the flowers class of the photography department. In the visual arts department, Jenna received a best in show ribbon in the miscellaneous craft class, any class and a red ribbon in the acrylic, any class. Jenna received a blue ribbon in the bucket calf class of the OC Beef department and in the showmanship department a blue ribbon was received for goats general showmanship, a blue ribbon was received in the swine general showmanship class, and a best in show ribbon was received in the sheep general showmanship class.

Jillyan Cady received a white ribbon in the any subject class of the photography department.

Karen Cockroft received a blue ribbon in the flowers class of the photography department.

Dallasen Colson received in the showmanship department, a blue ribbon in the goats general showmanship class and a blue ribbon in the swine general showmanship class.

Kellan Dauner received a blue ribbon in the visual arts department, misc. craft, any class and a blue ribbon in the bucket calf class of the OC Beef department.

Emily Garnero received a blue ribbon in the crochet afghans, any class of the sewing-fiber arts class.

Brenda Enyeart received a blue ribbon in the coneflower, any class of the floriculture department.

Reta Erickson received a green ribbon in the machine quilt small items, ar class in the quilting department, and three green ribbons for her entries in the machine quilted, 2nd party class of the quilting department.

Tenley Fuller received a best in show ribbon in the standard fowl young bird class in the oc poultry department and a blue ribbon in the poultry general showmanship class of the showmanship department.

Gabriella Gunn received a red ribbon in the animals class of the photography department.

Tiffany Hollerich received four blue ribbons for her entries in the misc. craft, any class in the visual arts department.

Astrid Humphries received a blue ribbon in the bucket calf class of the OC beef department, a champion ribbon in the breeding gilt class of the oc swine department, a blue ribbon in the goats general showmanship, a blue ribbon in the sheep general showmanship, and a blue ribbon in the swine general showmanship classes all of the showmanship department.

Wanda Hurd received a blue ribbon and a best of show ribbon in her entries into the machine quilt small items, ar class of the quilting department.

Kaymbri Cool received two red ribbons in the entries in the animals class of the photography department and a red ribbon in the people class of the photography department.

Kriesy Kemmerer received a blue ribbon in the western pleasure youth class of the OC horses department, a best of show ribbon in the gelding class, a best in show in the pole bending class, a best in show in the barrels class, and a best in show in the key hole class, all of the OC horses department. In the showmanship department, Kriesy received a blue ribbon in the horse general showmanship class and a reserve champion ribbon for in the swine general showmanship class.

Don Koester in the photography department, received a blue ribbon in the animals class, a blue ribbon in the buildings class, a blue ribbon each for his entries in the flowers class, a blue ribbon each for his entries in the landscape class, a blue ribbon in the any other class, a best in show in the any subject class, a red ribbon each for his two entries in the buildings class, a red ribbon each for his two entries in the flowers class, a red ribbon in the landscape class, a red ribbon in the any other class, a white ribbon in the animals class, and a white ribbon in the landscape class.

Kendall Koss received a blue ribbon in the bucket calf class of the oc beef department, a best of show ribbon in the goats class of the oc goats department, and in the oc horses department, a blue ribbon in the walk-trot class, a blue ribbon in the barrels class, a blue ribbon in the key hole class, and a blue ribbon in the costume class. In the showmanship department, Kendall received a blue ribbon in the horse general showmanship class and a best of show ribbon in the goats general showmanship class.

Levi Gunn received a blue ribbon in the landscape class of the photography department.

Phyllis Liggett received a blue ribbon in the lily, any class a blue ribbon in the marigold, any class, a blue ribbon in the zinnia, any class, two red ribbons in the zinnia, any class all of the floriculture department, and a best in show ribbon in the SO/R, any class of the visual arts department.

Dwayne Lorence received a best in show ribbon in the woodwork, any class of the industrial arts department.

Kira Lorence received a blue ribbon in the acrylic, any class of the visual arts department, a blue ribbon in the bucket calf class of the OC beef department, and in the showmanship department, Kira received a blue ribbon in the goats general showmanship class and a champion ribbon in the swine general showmanship class.

Sheila Lorence, in the photography department, received a blue ribbon in the any subject class, three blue ribbons in the people class, a red ribbon in the any subject class, two red ribbons in the people class.

Ryleigh McCary received in the OC horses department, a blue ribbon in the gelding class, a blue ribbon in the western pleasure youth class, a blue ribbon in the western horsemanship youth class, a blue ribbon in the barrels class, a blue ribbon in the costume class, a green ribbon in the key hole class, and a red ribbon in the reining class. Ryleigh received a red ribbon in the horse general showmanship class of the showmanship department.

Tinsley Moser received a blue ribbon in the goats class of the OC goats department. In the OC horses department, Tinsley received a blue ribbon in the leadline class, a blue ribbon in the barrels class, a best in show ribbon in the filly/mare class, a best in show ribbon in the costume class, a red ribbon in the pole bending class and a red ribbon in the key hole class. In the showmanship department, Tinsley received a blue ribbon in the goats general showmanship class.

Carter Nelson received a blue ribbon in the swine general showmanship class of the showmanship department.

Olivia Vosburg received in the photography department, a red ribbon in the any subject class, and a white ribbon in the any subject class.

Coy Peters received a blue ribbon in the goats general showmanship class of the showmanship department.

Owen Peters received a blue ribbon in the goats general showmanship class of the showmanship department.

Peggy Peters received a blue ribbon in the goats general showmanship class of the showmanship department.

Hayden Pumphrey received a blue ribbon in the standard fowl young bird class of the OC poultry department and a best in show ribbon in the poultry general showmanship class of the showmanship department.

Sarah Reinert received a reserve champion ribbon in the beef, general showmanship class of the showmanship department.

Charles Reiter received a blue ribbon in the goats general showmanship class and a blue ribbon in the sheep general showmanship class, both of the showmanship department.

Virginia Reiter received a blue ribbon in the goats general showmanship of the showmanship department.

Shannon Rogers received a blue ribbon in the misc. craft, any class of the visual arts department.

Karen Rothfuss, in the floriculture department received a blue ribbon in the lily, any class, a blue ribbon in the marigold, any class, a blue ribbon in the rose, any class, a blue ribbon on each of the four entries in the misc. flower, any class, a red ribbon in the lily, any class, a red ribbon in the rose, any class, and a red ribbon in the misc. flower, any class.

Ava Sierks received a blue ribbon in the goats general showmanship class of the showmanship department.

Tracy Gunn received a blue ribbon and a red ribbon in the two entries in the animals class of the photography department.

Allison Underwood received in the floriculture department a blue ribbon in the pansy, any class, a blue ribbon in the zinnia, any class, a blue ribbon in the misc. flower, any class, a best in show ribbon in the snapdragon, any class, a red ribbon in the coneflower, any class, a red ribbon in the petunia, any class, a red ribbon in the zinnia, any class, and a red ribbon in the misc. flower, any class.

Ashley Underwood received a best in show ribbon in the cookies, any class of the foods department and a blue ribbon in the misc. craft, any class of the visual arts department.

Stede Underwood received a blue ribbon in the landscape class of the photography department and a red ribbon in the animals class of the photography department.

Hannah Waide received a red ribbon in the flowers class of the photography department, and three blue ribbons for her entries in the misc. craft, any class of the visual arts department.

Kimberly Waide received a blue ribbon in the sunflower, any class of the floriculture department, a red ribbon in the any subject class of the photography department, a red ribbon in the people class of the photography department, a white ribbon in the people class of the photography department, and two red ribbons for the entries in the acrylic, any class of the visual arts department.

Levi Wade received a blue ribbon in the misc. craft, any class of the visual arts department and a red ribbon in the acrylic, any class of the visual arts department.

Ashton Walker received a blue ribbon in the bucket calf class of the OC beef department, a best in show ribbon in the goats class of the OC goats department, a blue ribbon in the costume class of the OC horses department, a best in show ribbon in the leadline class of the OC horses department, a red ribbon in the standard fowl young bird class of the OC poultry department, a blue ribbon in the goats general showmanship class of the showmanship department and a blue ribbon in the swine general showmanship class of the showmanship department.

Beth Walker received, in the field crops department received three red ribbons in the wheat, any class, in the floriculture department a blue ribbon in the daisy, any class, a blue ribbon in the pholx, any class, a blue ribbon in the zinnia, any class, two blue ribbons for entries in the misc. flower, any class, a red ribbon in the snapdragon, any class, in the sewing-fiber arts department, Beth received two blue ribbons in the embroidery, any class, a red ribbon was received in the miscellaneous craft, any class of the visual arts department.

Emma Walker received a blue ribbon and a best of show ribbon for her entries in the embroidery, any class of the sewing-fiber arts department.

Sue Walton received two green ribbons in her entries in the display only, any quilted class of the quilting department.

Isabelle Wilburn received a blue ribbon in the goats general showmanship class of the showmanship department.

Luann Wilson received a blue ribbon and a red ribbon in the machine quilted 2nd party class of the quilting department, and a red ribbon in the machine quilt small items, ar class of the quilting department.

Pat Zentz received three blue ribbons for the entries in the machine quilted 2nd party class of the quilting department.

Prairie Shooter Club

Ashton Walker received a red ribbon in the small vegetable class of the garden department.

Bradley Bledsoe received a blue ribbon in the color enlargement class of the photography department, a blue ribbon in the crafts from a kit class of the visual arts department, in the meat goats department a blue ribbon in the market meat goat, a blue ribbon in the goat showmanship junior class, a blue ribbon in the goat carcass contest class, a blue ribbon in the goat display class, and a reserve champion ribbon in the breeding doe class. In the poultry department, Bradley received a purple ribbon in the dual purpose hens, a red ribbon in the standard fowl old bird class, and a red ribbon in the standard bantam old class. In the swine department, a blue ribbon was received in the swine carcass class, two blue ribbons were received for entries in the swine daily gain class, a blue ribbon in the swine showmanship junior class, a grand champion ribbon in the swine carcass class, a reserve champion in the market pig class, and a reserve grand champion ribbon in the market pig class.

Haylee Bledsoe received a blue ribbon in the wheat class of the agronomy department, a blue ribbon in the non perishable food class of the food department, a blue ribbon in the color enlargement class, a purple ribbon in the color enlargement class, and a red ribbon in the color enlargement class all of the photography department, a blue ribbon in the general crafts class in the visual arts department, a blue ribbon in the crafts from a kit class, and a purple ribbon in the crafts from a kit class of the visual arts department, a blue ribbon in the market steer class of the beef department, a blue ribbon in the beef carcass contest of the beef department, a blue ribbon in the daily gain market steer class of the beef department, a blue ribbon in the beef stall decoration class of the beef department, a red ribbon in the showmanship junior class of the beef department. Haylee also received a blue ribbon in the goat stall decor class of the dairy goats department, a champion ribbon in the nanny with kids class of the dairy goats department, a champion ribbon in the showmanship junior class of the dairy goats department, a grand champion in the nanny with kids class or the dairy goats department, and a grand champion in the showmanship junior class of the dairy goats department. In the meat goats department, Haylee received a blue ribbon in the goat showmanship junior class, a blue ribbon in the goat carcass contest, two blue ribbons for the entries in the goat display class, a blue ribbon in the goat stall decor class, a champion ribbon in the breeding doe class, a reserve champion in the market meat goat class, and a reserve grand champion in the breeding doe class. In the poultry department, Haylee received, a blue ribbon in the standard fowl old bird class, two blue ribbons in the standard bantam old class, a blue ribbon in the poultry showmanship junior class, a purple ribbon in the poultry cage decor, and a red ribbon in the standard fowl old bird class.

McKenzy Bledsoe received in the clothing-F.R. department two blue ribbons in the shopping article class and two purple ribbons in the revue-shopping class. McKenzy received a blue ribbon in the color enlargement class of the photography department, a purple ribbon in the crafts from a kit class of the visual arts department, a red ribbon in the bucket calf 7-12 year class of the beef department, a blue ribbon in the market meat goat class, a blue ribbon in the goat showmanship junior class, a blue ribbon in the goat carcass contest class, a blue ribbon in the goat display class, and a reserve champion ribbon in the breeding doe class, all of the meat goats department. In the poultry department, McKenzy received a blue ribbon in the standard bantam young class, a blue ribbon in the poultry showmanship junior class, a purple ribbon in the standard bantam old class, and a red ribbon in the standard bantam old class. In the swine department, McKenzy received a blue ribbon in the market pig class, a blue ribbon in the swine carcass class, a blue ribbon in the swine daily gain class, a blue ribbon in the swine, showmanship junior class, a blue ribbon in the swine stall decor class, a grand champion ribbon in the catch-a-pig class, a reserve champion in the catch-a-pig class, a reserve champion in the breeding gilt class and a reserve grand champion ribbon in the breeding gilt class.

Jayce Cady received two purple ribbons in the non perishable food class of the foods department, a blue ribbon in the color enlargement class of the photography department, a red ribbon in the color enlargement class of the photography department, and a reserve grand champion ribbon in the color enlargement class of the photography department, two blue ribbon in the fine arts class of the visual arts department, a blue ribbon in the crafts from a kit class in the visual arts department, a purple ribbon in the general crafts class of the visual arts department, a blue ribbon in the furniture class of the woodworking department, a grand champion ribbon in the furniture class of the woodworking department, a red ribbon in the showmanship senior class of the beef department, a reserve champion ribbon in the breeding class of the beef department. In the poultry department, Jayce received a blue ribbon in the standard fowl young bird, a purple ribbon in the poultry showmanship senior class, and two red ribbons in the standard fowl young bird class. In the sheep class a blue ribbon was received in the market lamb, breeding ewes, and sheep daily gain classes, a champion ribbon was received for the sheep showmanship senior class and a grand champion ribbon was received in the sheep carcass class, in the swine department, a blue ribbon was received in the market pig class, two blue ribbons were received in the swine daily gain class, a blue ribbon in the swine, showmanship senior class, two red ribbons in the swine carcass class, a reserve champion in the market pig class. A purple ribbon was received in the livestock judging senior class of the livestock judging department.

Jillyan Cady received a blue ribbon in the shopping article class of the clothing-F.R. department, a blue ribbon in the Revue-shopping class of the clothing/F.R department, a red ribbon in the non perishable food class of the foods department, a purple ribbon in the hanging plant class of the horticulture and landscape department, two blue ribbons in the color enlargement class of the photography department, a red ribbon in the color enlargement class of the photography department, a blue ribbon in the fine arts class of the visual arts department, a blue ribbon in the daily gain market steer class of the beef department, a champion ribbon in the bucket calf 10-12 year class of the beef department, a grand champion ribbon in the bucket calf 10-12 year class of the beef department, a red ribbon in the breeding class of the beef department, a red ribbon in the beef carcass contest of the beef department, a red ribbon in the showmanship junior class of the beef department, a reserve champion in the market steer class of the beef department. In the meat goats department, Jillyan received a blue ribbon in the market meat goat class, a blue ribbon in the goat showmanship junior class, a blue ribbon in the goat carcass contest and a red ribbon in the goat display contest. In the swine department, Jillyan received two red ribbons in the swine daily gain class, two red ribbons in the swine carcass class, and a reserve champion in the swine showmanship junior class.

Harper Dickau received a blue ribbon in the fine arts class of the visual arts department.

Berklie Humphries received a champion ribbon and a grand champion ribbon in the dairy breed class of the dairy cattle class, a grand champion ribbon in the showmanship junior class of the dairy cattle department, a blue ribbon in the breeding doe class of the meat goats department, a blue ribbon in the goat showmanship junior class of the meat goats department, a blue ribbon in the breeding ewes class of the sheep department, a blue ribbon in the sheep showmanship junior class of the sheep department, a blue ribbon in the market pig class of the swine department, a blue ribbon in the swine, showmanship junior class of the swine department, a reserve champion ribbon in the catch-a-pig class of the swine department, and a reserve grand champion ribbon in the catch-a-pig class of the swine department.

Jennaveve Humphries received a reserve champion ribbon in the dairy breed class of the dairy cattle department, a reserve grand champion ribbon in the dairy breed and showmanship junior classes of the dairy cattle department, blue ribbons in both the breeding doe and goat showmanship junior classes of the meat goats department, a blue ribbon in the sheep showmanship junior class of the sheep department, a champion ribbon in the breeding, ram class of the sheep department, a blue ribbon in both the market pig and swine, showmanship junior classes of the swine department, and a white ribbon in the swine carcass class of the swine department.

Cora Nash received a grand champion ribbon in both the sewing-article and revue-sewing classes of the clothing-F.R. department, a purple ribbon in each the shopping article and revue-shopping classes of the clothing-F.R. department, a grand champion ribbon in the single exhibit class of the int. design and arch department, a purple ribbon and two red ribbons in the entries in the color enlargement class of the photography department, a blue ribbon each for the two entries in the fine arts class of the visual arts department, a purple ribbon in the general crafts class of the visual arts department, a grand champion ribbon in the poster, notebook, display class of the wildlife department, a blue ribbon in the standard fowl old bird class of the poultry department, a grand champion ribbon in the poultry showmanship junior class and a purple ribbon in the trio, any sex, any breed classes of the poultry department.

The Prairie Shooters Club received a blue ribbon in the reporter book class of the 4-H Club/FFA department, a blue ribbon in the secretary book class of the 4-H Club/FFA department, and a purple ribbon in the project display class of the 4-H Club/FFA department.

Abbey Schleifer received a grand champion ribbon in the non perishable food class of the foods department, a blue ribbon in the color enlargement class of the photography department, a blue ribbon in the clay and ceramics class, a grand champion ribbon in the fine arts class, and a purple ribbon in the fine arts class, all in the visual arts department.

Nelson Underwood received a grand champion ribbon in the div c rocket kit class of the aeros-rocketry department, a blue ribbon in the oats class of the agronomy department, a purple ribbon in the non perishable food class of the foods department, a blue ribbon in the medium vegetable spec. class of the horticulture and landscape department, a blue ribbon in the poster, notebook, display class of the leadership department, a grand champion ribbon and a purple ribbon for the two entries in the color enlargement class of the photography department, two blue ribbons for the entries in the market pig class of the swine department, a reserve champion ribbon in the swine, showmanship senior class of the swine department, two white ribbons for the entries in the swine carcass class of the swine department, and a blue ribbon in the livestock judging, senior class of the livestock judging department.

Claire Walker received blue ribbons in both entries in the shopping articles class of the clothing-F.R. department, a blue ribbon in each of the entries in the revue-shopping department of the clothing-F.R department, a purple ribbon in the non perishable food class of the foods department, a blue ribbon and a purple ribbon for the entries in the color enlargement class of the photography department, a purple ribbon for each of the three entries in the black and white class of the photography department, a purple ribbon for each of the two entries in the general crafts class of the visual arts department, a purple ribbon in the crafts from a kit class of the visual arts department. In the beef department, Claire received a blue ribbon in the daily gain market steer class, a purple ribbon in the beef carcass contest class, a red ribbon in the market steer class, a red ribbon in the showmanship class, a reserve grand champion ribbon in the beef carcass contest class, and a blue ribbon in the daily gain market steer class. In the horses department, Claire received a blue ribbon in the filly-mare, reining, horsemanship junior, and horse poster classes, a purple ribbon in the costume class, and horse stall decor class, a red ribbon in the western horsemanship junior class, trail class, key hole class, pole bending class, and barrels class, a reserve grand champion ribbon in the western pleasure junior class. In the meat goats department, a blue ribbon was received in the breeding doe and market meat goat department, a red ribbon in the goat stall decor, and a reserve champion in goat showmanship junior classes. In the poultry department a blue ribbon was received in the standard fowl old bird class, production hens class, and poultry showmanship junior class, a purple ribbon in the ducks class, a red ribbon in poultry gage decor. A purple ribbon was also received in the livestock judging junior class of the livestock judging department.

Lily Walker received a blue ribbon in the historian book class of the 4-H Club-FFA department, a red ribbon in the non perishable food class of the foods department, blue ribbons in the two entries in the perennial flower class and in the potted plant class of the horticulture and landscape department, a purple ribbon in two entries in the annual flower class and a purple ribbon in the perennial flower class of the horticulture and landscape department, a reserve grand champion ribbon in the potted plant class of the horticulture and landscape department, a blue ribbon in the color enlargement class, a purple ribbon in the color enlargement class, and a purple ribbon in the color enlargement class, a purple ribbon in the black and white class, two red ribbons in the black and white class, all of the photography department, a blue ribbon in the general crafts class of the visual arts department, a purple ribbon in the general crafts class of the visual arts department. In the beef department, Lily received a grand champion ribbon in the beef carcass contest class and in the daily gain market steer class, a purple ribbon in the beef carcass contest class, a red ribbon in the market steer, showmanship junior, and beef stall decoration classes, and a blue ribbon in the daily gain market steer class. In the horses department, a blue ribbon was received in the western pleasure junior class, the western horsemanship junior class, the trail class, the key hole class, horse poster class, and horse stall decor class, a grand champion ribbon in the gelding class, a purple ribbon in each entry in the reining, pole bending, and barrels classes, a red ribbon in the costume class, and a reserve champion in the horsemanship junior class. A blue ribbon was received in the breeding doe and goat showmanship junior classes of the meat goats department, a champion ribbon was received in the market meat goat, and a white ribbon was received in the goat carcass contest classes of the meat goats department, a blue ribbon was received in the poultry showmanship junior class of the poultry department, a grand champion in the standard fowl old bird class, a purple ribbon in the standard fowl old bird class, a purple ribbon in the ducks class, a red ribbon in the standard fowl old bird class, all of the poultry department, and a blue ribbon in the livestock judging junior class of the livestock judging department.

Wyatt Walker received a purple ribbon in the non perishable food class of the foods department, a purple ribbon in the color enlargement class of the photography department, a purple ribbon in the crafts from a kit class of the visual arts department, a champion ribbon in the bucket calf 7-12 year class and a reserve grand champion in the bucket calf 7-12 year class, both of the beef department. In the horses department, Wyatt received a blue ribbon in the walk-trot class, a blue ribbon in the western horsemanship junior class, a blue ribbon in the reining class, a blue ribbon in the horsemanship junior class, a blue ribbon in the horse stall decor class, a purple ribbon in the costume class, a red ribbon in the trail class, the key hole class, the pole bending class, the barrels class, and the horse poster class, and a reserve grand champion ribbon in the gelding class. In meat goats department, a blue ribbon in goat showmanship junior class, grand champion in other (catch-a-goat) class, red ribbon in goat stall decor, a reserve champion in the market meat goat class, and a white ribbon in the goat carcass contest class. Wyatt received a blue ribbon in the standard fowl old bird class of the poultry department and a red ribbon in the livestock judging junior class of the livestock judging department.

Isabelle Wilburn received a blue ribbon, and two red ribbons for her entries in the color enlargement class of the photography department and a purple ribbon in the crafts from a kit class of the visual arts department.

Emma Strnad, for Rock Hills FFA, a grand champion ribbon was received in the livestock judging senior class of the livestock judging department.

In the Scouts, the ribbons received were:

Kimber Alvarez, a blue ribbon for Christmas tree ornament class of the Girl Scouts department.

Eli Angelton received a blue ribbon in the games or toys class, a blue ribbon in wall decorations class, a blue ribbon in the pinewood derby cars class, a best in show ribbon in the wood furniture class, and a red ribbon in the ink, pencil, crayon, etc. class, all of the Boy Scouts department.

Ava Angelton received a blue ribbon in the wood class, a blue ribbon in the drawing, mounted, orig. class and a red ribbon in the kitchen decorations class, all of the Girl Scouts department.

Evie Elkins received a blue ribbon in the kit artwork class of the Girl Scouts department.

Ronnie Elkins received a blue ribbon in the pinewood derby cars of the Boy Scouts department.

Allyson Hollerich received a blue ribbon in the wood class, the painting, mounted, orig. class, and the kit artwork class, a red ribbon in the painting, mounted, ori. class, and a white ribbon in the painting, mounted, orig. class, all of the Girl Scouts department.

Keegan Hollerich received a blue ribbon in the jewelry and painting, mounted, orig. classes, a best in show ribbon in the kit artwork class, a red ribbon in the kit artwork class, and a white ribbon in the kit artwork class, all of the Girl Scouts department.

Ryan Hollerich received blue ribbons in the Legos class, kit work class, weaving, braiding, etc class and the pinewood derby cars class, all of the Boy Scouts department.

Brynlee Jeffery received blue ribbons in the centerpiece and onions classes of the Girl Scouts department.

Hazel Jeffery received a blue ribbon in the red potato class and a red ribbon in the kit artwork class, both of the Girl Scouts department.

Keiran Shulda received a blue ribbon in the holiday decoration class of the Girl Scouts department.

Braden Wirth received a blue ribbon in games or toys class and a red ribbon in the pinewood derby cars class, both of the Boy Scouts department.

Kylie Wirth received a blue ribbon in the painting, mounted, orig. class and a red ribbon in the wood class, both of the Girl Scouts department.

Webber Wide Awake

Roland Bonjour received a blue ribbon in the floral, educational class of the horticulture and landscape department, a grand champion ribbon in the potted plant class of the horticulture and landscape department, a blue ribbon in the poster, notebook, display class of the woodworking department and a red ribbon in the other woodwork in the woodworking department.

Burkley Bouray received a green ribbon in the four entries in the display classes of the cloverbuds department, and a blue ribbon in the livestock judging, junior class of the livestock judging contest.

Jake Bruns received a red ribbon in the breeding class of the beef department, a red ribbon in the showmanship junior class of the beef department, and a blue ribbon in the livestock judging junior class of the livestock judging contest.

Kaymbri Cool received a red ribbon in the bucket calf 7-12 year class of the beef department, and blue ribbons each in the standard fowl young bird class and the poultry showmanship junior class, of the poultry department.

Haylee Fuller received blue ribbons in the entries in the shopping article class and the revue-shopping class of the clothing-F.R. department, a purple ribbon in the shopping article class of the clothing-F.R. department, and a reserve grand champion ribbon in the revue-shopping class in the clothing-F.R. department, a grand champion ribbon in each the misc. food class and the spreads, syrup class in the foods department, a blue ribbon in the color enlargement class of the photography department, a purple ribbon in the color enlargement class and a red ribbon in the color enlargement class of the photography department, a purple ribbon in the fine arts class of the visual arts department. In the beef department, Haylee received a blue ribbon in the daily gain market steer class, a red ribbon in the beef carcass contest class, a reserve champion in the market heifer class, and a reserve champion ribbon in the showmanship junior class. In the poultry department, Haylee received a blue ribbon and a purple ribbon in the standard fowl young bird class, a purple ribbon in the poultry showmanship junior class. A blue ribbon was received in the livestock judging, junior class of the livestock department.

Myka Fuller received a blue ribbon in the sewing-article and shopping article classes in the clothing-F.R. department, a purple ribbon in the revue-shopping class of the clothing-F.R. department, a blue ribbon in the miscellaneous food class of the foods department, a grand champion ribbon in the poster, notebook, display class of the performing arts department, a red ribbon for each of the two entries in the color enlargement class of the photography department, and a blue ribbon in the beef poster class of the beef department.

Tenley Fuller received a green ribbon for both of the entries in the display class of the cloverbuds department.

Ainsley Gunn received a grand champion in the revue-shopping class of the clothing-F.R. department, a purple ribbon in the two entries in the shopping article class, and the entry in the revue-shopping class of the clothing-F.R. department, a grand champion ribbon in the secretary book class of the 4-H Club/FFA department, a blue ribbon in the color enlargement class of the photography department. In the horses department, Ainsley received a blue ribbon in the horse poster class, a champion ribbon in the horsemanship junior class, a grand champion ribbon in the filly-mare, western pleasure junior, western horsemanship junior, trail, and horsemanship junior classes, a purple ribbon in the horse stall decor class, a red ribbon in the costume class, key hole, pole bending and barrels classes, a reserve grand champion in the reining class. In the sheep department, Ainsley received a blue ribbon in the market lamb and sheep daily gain classes, a blue ribbon in the sheep carcass class, a champion ribbon in the market lamb class, a red ribbon in the sheep carcass class, a reserve champion ribbon in the sheep showmanship junior class, a reserve grand champion in the sheep showmanship junior and the sheep daily gain classes.

Gabrielly Gunn received a grand champion ribbon in the Lego kit class of the building bl. eng department, a blue ribbon in both entries in the shopping article class, the two entries in the revue-shopping class, of the clothing-F.R. department, a blue ribbon in the miscellaneous food class of the foods department, a purple ribbon in the miscellaneous food class of the foods department, two blue ribbons and a purple ribbon in the color enlargement class of the photography department, a red ribbon in the other woodwork class of the woodworking department, a red ribbon in the bucket calf 7-12 year class of the beef department, a blue ribbon in each the market lamb, sheep showmanship junior, sheep daily gain, and sheep carcass classes of the sheep department.

Quartus Gunn received a grand champion ribbon in the welding general fab. of the ag mechanic welding department, a blue ribbon in the shopping article class of the clothing-F.R. department, a blue ribbon in the Revue-shopping class of the clothing-F.R. department, a red ribbon in the sewing-article class of the clothing-F.R. department, a reserve grand champion ribbon in the ac electric project class in the electric and re.en department, a red ribbon and a reserve grand champion ribbon for the entries in the color enlargement class of the photography department, a reserve champion ribbon in the bucket calf 7-12 year class of the beef department, a blue ribbon in the market lamb and sheep showmanship junior classes of the sheep department, a grand champion ribbon in the sheep daily gain class of the sheep department, and a red ribbon in the sheep carcass class of the sheep department.

Carter Nelson received a green ribbon in the display class of the cloverbuds department, a red ribbon in the non perishable food class of the foods department, and a red ribbon in the other entry in the non perishable food class of the foods department.

Isaac Nelson received a reserve grand champion ribbon in the Lego kit class of the building bl. eng department, a blue ribbon in the non perishable food class of the foods department, a red ribbon in the non perishable food class of the foods department, a blue ribbon in the notebook, poster, display class of the veterinary science department, a grand champion ribbon in the furniture class of the woodworking department. In the swine department, Isaac received a blue ribbon in the market pig class, a blue ribbon in the swine carcass class, two blue ribbons in the swine daily gain class, a blue ribbon in the swine, showmanship junior class, a champion ribbon in the market pig class, a grand champion ribbon in the swine daily gain class, two red ribbons in the swine carcass class, and a reserve champion in the market pig class.

Webber Wide Awake received a blue ribbon in historian book class of the 4-H Club/FFA department.

Lenden Worm received a grand champion ribbon in the ac electric project class of the electric and re. en. department, a grand champion ribbon in the poster, notebook, display class of the leadership department, a blue ribbon in the beef carcass contest of the beef department, a blue ribbon in the two entries in the daily gain market steer class of the beef department, a champion ribbon in the market steer class of the beef department, a red ribbon in the beef carcass contest and showmanship senior classes of the beef department, and a reserve champion in the market steer class of the beef department.


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