
Reading . . .

Some people do not like to do more than necessary, but some of us enjoy the pastime. Of course, you have to be a little careful of what you choose to read.

I receive several magazines a month and I admit I don’t read them ‘cover to cover.’ But, I always look them over and try to pick out what I think I’ll enjoy the most, or what might benefit me the most.

Last week I received the current copies of “NEBRASKAland” and “The American Legion.”

From the American Legion magazine one of the items I sometimes enjoy is the final page. It contains a page full of jokes, some good and some not so good. This last issue included the following which I enjoyed. “I bought a thesaurus, but when I got home and opened it, all the pages were blank. I have no words to describe how angry I am.”

I have often noted my opposition to many governmental rules, regulations, programs and ill-fated guidelines. However, every once in a while something works.

From NEBRASKAland there was a story about “Hunter Education.” This story was about a Nebraska governmental agency’s effort to cut down on hunter accidents. But remember it was a Nebraska program, not a national governmental program.

From the article comes the following information: “From 1958, the first year records were kept in Nebraska to 1977, an average of 20 hunting related incidents occurred each year, four of them fatal. During the past 10 years, that average has dropped to five incidents and less than one fatality.”

It is a government program, but it is a Nebraska program and it is successful. It involves many volunteers and has met reasonable goals.


Another note from that page of humor in the American Legion comes the following: “If you want someone to listen, start the conversation by saying, “I really shouldn’t tell you this, but . . .”


I really shouldn’t tell you this, but it really doesn’t make any difference who the Democrats select to run for the presidential nominee position this fall.

Mr. Victor Hanson, a historian at Stanford, noted the following:

• In March, 2020, all the major Democratic primary candidates abruptly, mysteriously, and in near unison withdrew from the presidential race, ceding the nomination to Joe Biden who lost the first three races in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada.

Suddenly, on the eve of the Super Tuesday magaprimaries, the candidacies of front-runner Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren and others simply evaporated.

• Now, remember that just recently President Biden said he would not get out of the presidential race unless God almighty told him to do so. Well, about three weeks before state ballots were formalized, it seems someone threatened Biden with a complete loss of campaign funding and raised the specter of invoking the 25th Amendment to end his presidency – should he not suddenly withdraw from the race and endorse Kamala Harris.

• As I noted above, what difference does it make who the Democrats put up to run for the presidency? Someone, or a group, decided Biden might well lose the Democrats the White House and the Congress. Biden’s dementia was so acute as to destroy their prospects but somehow it was not severe enough to imperil the American people.

I really shouldn’t tell you this, but just who is controlling the Democratic Party?

It certainly can’t be the average man who votes Democratic every two years. From all I can read and understand, past president Obama and a few of his rich friends along with all those governmental workers buried in the giant governmental system are doing the work. Why do they even hold election anymore?


In spite of all conditions we find ourselves in (spiritually, politically, commercially, personally or whatever) it is best to keep a sense of humor and I pass on the following observation from the American Legion magazine:

“Two crows are in a field when they notice a figure that looks like a man in the distance. “See that in the distance?” the first crow says. “What is that?”

The second crow takes a long loo. “That’s a scarecrow. Looks authentic, doesn’t it?”

“How can you tell it’s not a real person?”

“Look at its hand. No cellphone.”



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