
“I have met the enemy, and he is us!”


      An assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump on Saturday might get all the national news media outlets busy questioning how such a thing could happen in this day and age. They seemed astounded that such a thing occurred.

I have to admit I was almost in tears as I watched the news reports and I wondered how and why it had to be.

You know, the national media has the same reaction after most any and all “shootings” that have been occurring across our nation in recent years. As I understand it, they answer their own questions. Most often the answer was what they called “gun control.” They often wondered why “red flags” were not recognized and acted upon. On occasions other answers are suggested. Often, those answers come from “experts” in law, medicine, psychology, police or other governmental agencies, suggesting these “experts” were better qualified than the rest of us and we should do what they say to correct this flaw in our society today.

I willingly admit that I’m not much of an expert in areas such as public policies and in suggesting ways to eliminate some of the negative aspects of our society, but I do have an idea or two why we’re in the position we’re in.

The first thing I would say to the national media and many others is:

“Why are you so surprised?”

I mean, the experts in our society have been teaching us that it is OK to kill people for over one hundred years now. I mean if the expected arrival of a baby may be ‘inconvenient,’ just kill it . . . in some states, if an elderly person is ‘inconvenient’ for a family to care for, there are ways to just kill them . . . Closely related is the issue of gender identification: if you think you really are not the gender you were born in, just change it.

      Why then is everyone so surprised when someone found Donald Trump to be “inconvenient” and they attempted to kill him?

“I have met the enemy, and he is us!”


The quote I started with and ended with above is from an old comic strip called “Pogo.” Over the years we have accepted so many actions that have led up to the actions of some today, such as the shootings taking place around the nation. Bear with me for a little while.

In a little more than 100 years ago, a woman (almost called her a lady, but that would be wrong) by the name of Margaret Sanger was concerned about ‘women’s reproductive rights.’

Some of her work included the founding of what today is called “Planned Parenthood.”

Today, Planned Parenthood is responsible for more abortions than any other single group. They are not alone, but they, and others, have convinced many Americans that the killing of unborn human beings is the best answer to solve many problems, like poverty, hunger, child abuse, etc. For 50 years, it has not seemed to help, but so many Americans seem to think it is OK to kill unborn humans.

      Then, there was the U. S. Supreme Court. About 50 years ago (after being lied to by those who want to kill unborn humans) the Court found what is called “a right” in the Constitution to kill unborn humans.

During all this time some states came up with the idea that just maybe, if women could have the right to kill their unborn babies, why wouldn’t it be OK for adults to kill themselves. So today, several states have devised ways for that to happen.

So, why is it so surprising that a person thinks it would be OK for him to kill a political leader with whom he has a problem with?

      The current culture we live in did not come overnight, but is a cumulative effort of liberal people that have slowly made the unacceptable, acceptable.

Way back in the founding of America, one of those responsible for the American constitution and the way government was designed made a statement to this effect.

The American form of a Republic is so different from other forms of governments then in existence that it would only work in a Christian society.

I suggest that we have come a long way from a Christian society and that whatever we do to return to that culture, it would be good. It starts with ourselves and that is why we should all do whatever we can to return to that “Christian” society we all would like to have.

The comic strip “Pogo” was always attempting to change things for the better and being defeated at every turn because what he was trying to change was supported by so many people who did not really know what they were doing.

Fortunately, we are in a position to change things. There will be problems along the way, but I urge you to consider the more conservative political candidates on your election ballot in November. I know not all conservative will become good law makers, but they are more likely than the liberal politicians that have ruled us for far too long.

“We have met the enemy, and his is us.”


Before the assassination attempt last week, I was going to write on several different items this week, but that action changed my mind and I’m going to limit the rest of my column to just one item.


Growing up in south central Nebraska, I never heard of a “Brat.” I was introduced to them while in the Air Force all those years ago.

Nancy was from Wisconsin and dearly loved Brats as she grew up with them all her life. She was sorely disappointed one time when we were invited to a summer party and she just assumed they would have Brats there along with hamburgers.

Well, there were hot dogs, no Brats.

For many years a person could not find a Brat to buy in a grocery store. For many years, our trips to Wisconsin to visit family entailed a ‘cooler’ that we loaded with Brats on the trip home.

Eventually, Brats have become a staple of Nebraskans as well as Wisconsin. We may be slow, but we catch up on some things.

We don’t eat a lot of Brats, but we do like them on occasion. A week, or so ago I was looking for Brats and finally found them, picked up several packages before I looked at what I had. I don’t remember what they were called, but they were something I was not familiar with. After some looking, I finally found the good old fashioned Brats I wanted.

I stopped and looked at all the different kind of Brats I could purchase and was surprised. It was something I never gave much thought to before.

There were 11 different varieties of Brats there.

“We have met the enemy, and he is us.”



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