Country Roads

The word adventurous means to take a risk, or try new methods and ideas. Have you ever asked yourself what have you done that you considered being the most adventurous? For some it may be be taking a zip line ride, sky diving or mountain climbing but for others it may not be taking those kind of risky adventures.

When I think of my most adventurous times, they may be simple but to me they are just as important as the high risk takers. It may be the times standing in from of a group of people and singing a solo or standing in front of judges sharing a memorized reading. Later as a farmer’s wife, it was taking on tasks that really I didn’t care to do but were needed. One example was pulling a tractor to get it started and trying to read the husband’s hand signals. Another example was standing at an appointed place in the cattle pen in front of a gate to keep certain cows or calves from going past the gate and letting just the right cows or calves into the next lot and closing the gate at the right time. There were also the times of moving pigs from one pen into another and trying to hurry and get in front of a big sow that suddenly turned back.

It’s about getting into a small airplane with your husband as the pilot and knowing you will end up getting air sick, and you do. Being adventurous at the retirement age, may be climbing on the back of a motorcycle and taking regular rides, riding in a race car for the first time, or climbing into a pen with a lion to take photos of the lion being petted by it’s owner. Being adventurous in trying new ideas and methods could be writing a book and getting it printed.

Yet, I truly think my most adventurous and rewarding task was being a mother, making parental decisions and being the best mother I could possibly be.


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