Ask a Pastor Column

Presenting biblical answers to tough questions

Q: Does the Bible say anything about how we should treat animals?

A: Before answering this question, I need to address a mindset that is warping our thinking on this subject. For the past 75 years or so, school systems in America have been teaching that humanity developed alongside animals through a process they call evolution. This teaching erodes the distinction in our minds between human beings and animals, and causes us to think that animals and humans ought to be treated the same. This is why the western world is decreasing penalties for abortion and euthanasia while increasing penalties for animal abuse, etc. Ideas matter!

On the other hand, the Bible lays out a clear and consistent distinction between people and animals. Human beings are created in the Image of God. We are special, and proper morality requires that we be treated differently than animals. Killing people is murder (aside from certain exceptions laid out in Scripture; Genesis 9:6; Exodus 21:12; etc.); killing and eating animals is permitted (Genesis 9:3-4). The Bible also teaches that humans, unlike animals, are free moral agents. We can make moral choices, are held to higher moral standards, and are accountable for the choices we make. If we want to preserve and strengthen these moral distinctions, then we must get back to teaching the Bible’s perspective of our origins! (See Genesis chapters 1 and 2).

We can see that the Bible makes a moral distinction between people and animals. But does that mean there are no guidelines about how animals should be treated? Honestly, the Bible doesn’t give us much. We are told that animals, as a part of Creation, have been entrusted to mankind (Genesis 1:26). Domesticated animals are considered property (Exodus 20:17; etc.), thus they are placed under our care and form part of humanity’s fundamental stewardship. Caring for animals properly leads to benefits and prosperity; failing to care for them properly has consequences (Exodus 21:29, 35-36, etc.). It’s more a matter of practicality than religious obligation.

A good verse to sum up the proper treatment of animals is Proverbs 12:10; “a righteous man regards [even] the life of his animal; but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.” This verse tells us that the compassion of a righteous man is extended to all (even down to his animals!). But a wicked man is cruel; even to those people he values the most. Animals are far below people in their importance to God and the value placed upon them in His Word.


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