J.C. Commissioners hear reports from department heads

The Jewell County Commissioners met Monday, June 24. Commissioners Keith Roe, Ed Duskie and Brent Beck along with Carla Waugh, county clerk, and Myka Zadina, were present for the meeting.

The following were present for the office head meeting and provided an update for their department: Chris Petet, custodian; Don Jacobs, sheriff; Cindy Becker, health administrator; Amanda Davis, register of deeds; Anna Porter, county appraiser; James A. Vaughan IV, solid waste director; Shannon Meier, ambulance director; Carla J. Waugh, county clerk, Brenda Eakins, treasurer, and Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator.

Those absent were Scott Wright, county attorney; Joel Elkins, general superintendent, and Nora Rhoades, Post Rock Extension district director.

Don Jacobs said they have been working on achieving required service hours.

Cindy Becker said she has been working on grants. She discussed the dates for commissioners’ training. Cindy provided a bid from Morgan Harris for basement repairs.They received a $5,000 grant for fluoride treatments.

Kevin Peroutek reported for the noxious weed department that chemical sales are robust. They are spraying when weather is accommodating. The bind weed and thistles are highly active this year and he will have the most warning letters to send out since he has been director. He continues to look for an assistant at the noxious weed department. Kevin said he received a shipment of emergency responder guides, and he will provide them to the fire departments and EMS. He attended the monthly Regional Homeland Security meeting.

James Vaughan reported KDHE inspected the landfill and found violations. They are cleaning up the area to get back in compliance. Vaughan discussed the HHW certification course that David Walton will attend. He discussed changes to gain entry into the landfill.

Shannon Meier said he continues to work with the Medicare revalidation and site assessment.

Chris Petet said he had a quote for the sheriff’s office door as it will not latch.

Amanda Davis said everything is going well. The new desks for the office are scheduled to be delivered and installed on Thursday of this week. Amanda said Fidlar Technology will be here to discuss agreement.

Anna Porter said the values were certified to the county clerk. They are working on recollecting 17 percent of the county for this year. She is interviewing for the open position in her office.

Brenda Eakins said she has been busy getting caught up.

Carla Waugh said they have been busy certifying valuations and budget information to the cities, townships, schools, library districts and to property valuation. The legislature passed SB 1 during the special session on June 18, which changed the school general exemption. This resulted in recalculating valuations and recertifying to districts and property valuation department.

Brent Beck said Jewell County hosted the multi-county meeting. Brent attended the juvenile detention center board meeting and will be attending the hospital board meeting. The commissioners have been working on budgets and getting the dirt roads in line for harvest.

Ed Duskie said he had the LEPG board meeting immediately following the mult-county meeting. He has been working on road complaints for harvest.

Amanda Davis, register of deeds, provided a copy of Republic County’s fees for online subscriptions and copies. She also provided a copy of the agreement with Fidlar Technologies.

Don Jacobs, sheriff, discussed a quote for body and dash cameras.

Mechelle Caprez, DCCCA, discussed a grant the health department received to attend a conference in Montana. She said the grant ends June 30 and grant money will need to be spent by then. Mechelle advised that it is best to use all the grant money that was given because it may affect how much you receive the following year. Abby Elkins provided handouts and information on the Health 365 Coalition. Cindy Becker was also present for the discussion.

Tony Miller, executive director NCK CASA, presented the 2025 budget request of $5,000, which is the same as 2024 budget.

Commissioners reported road concerns to Joel Elkins, general superintendent.

Don Jacobs, sheriff, and Scott Wright, county attorney, discussed the use of body and dash cameras. Don said the quote from Axon Enterprise Inc. is a 5-year contract with yearly payments. The commissioners approved the quotes from Axon Enterprise for the body cameras and dash cameras for a total of $108,826.10.

Chris Petet, custodian, discussed a quote from Bryan VanMeter to replace the entrance doors at the sheriff’s office. The commissioners requested a second quote.


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