Love my crazy life

I have four new tires on my car. It’s so nice not having to air them up every day. It even drives a little smoother now that it has the correct size tire. Knowing that the tires were rubbing on the shock, or strut (still can’t tell you which it is) was making me very nervous about driving it too far. I got the cheapest tires I could get, so I have 50,000 miles before I need to replace them. I’ll need new ones by November. LOL!

The fresh paint in the pool has become quite troublesome. The floor of the pool is slippery, and when the youngsters play basketball, they can’t seem to keep their footing as well as before. It’s quite interesting to watch. I was vacuuming the pool the other day, and the hose came loose from the vacuum head. I jumped in to get the hose before it started sucking air. I slipped on the floor and dunked myself. It shocked me a little because one second I was upright and the next laying on the floor of the pool. It was a little chilly that day. Thankfully I got the hose before I lost suction on my pump and had to spend 30 minutes or more getting it back up and running. The skimmer is a temperamental thing.

The other problem I am having with the new paint is I can see every speck of dirt on the pool floor! I believe I am vacuuming a lot more than in the past, which makes me wonder how much ick was in the pool in past years that I just couldn’t see. When I think about that, it makes me angry with myself because obviously I should have been vacuuming more often.

We had our home inspection and appraisal. Unfortunately we didn’t get our loan. Apparently we do not have enough equity in our home to be able to qualify. I find it a little funny because if the roof had been new, we would have qualified. The roof was the only reason we were applying. Whatever. Nothing is leaking yet so we will just continue to putter along like we always do. We will likely end up patching more, and in a few years the patches will merge together making a new roof. Hopefully it will all match, LOL! X’s & O’s.


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