Country Roads

Happy 248th Birthday, America! Lately it seems this “sweet land of liberty” has become more chaotic than patriotic. America is still considered to be the best country in the world and the best place to live and raise a family, but we all need to work to make it remain that way. After all “Freedom Isn’t Free.”

Thinking back to when the first American Patriots decided that they didn’t want to live under the rules of England and its king, they began to rebel and stood up for what they believed. Those patriots were few in number and were willing to go up against one of the most powerful countries in the world. The English had organized and trained soldiers. The patriots were mostly farmers who had no military training, yet they fought for their freedom. Think of those 56 delegates to the Continental Congress, all brave men who assembled and made the Declaration of Independence, knowing that if all failed, they would be hung as traitors. They also knew they were not only pledging their lives but also their fortunes and honor. Out of those 56 delegates, five were captured and tortured, 12 had their homes raided and or burned, two lost sons during the Revolutionary War and two sons were captured by the British. Nine out of those 56 delegates that chose to fight in the Revolutionary War died.

Through the 248 years since 1776, there have been many other patriots who have sacrificed for the country. Many gave of their lives, lost loved ones, sustained severe injuries, in keeping this country free. Remembering the words of patriot Nathan Hale as he was being hanged in September 1776, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” Patrick Henry stated in 1775, “Give me liberty or give me death.”

As we celebrate Independence Day 2024, will we be doing it as patriots? Are we willing to stand up for what we believe in keeping America free as those first patriots did? God Bless America, “land that I love. Stand beside her and guide her.”


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