
Nebraska weather . . . it gives people something to talk about. Last week Tuesday, I had a medical appointment in Grand Island, late in the day. When I left Lawrence, the temperature reading in the car read 90 degrees. An hour or so later on reaching our destination in Grand Island, the same reading was 70 degrees.

If you don’t like what you have, wait a bit, it will change.

Now, if only we can change this week’s forecasts of 100 degrees.

That brings up another aspect of our Nebraska weather. (Although I’m sure this happens all over the nation.)

“How did we ever survive all those years ago without the weather forecasters on TV or radio telling us how to survive by drinking more water, or staying inside near an air conditioner?

And really, I’d rather be told the actual temperature than be told what the “feels like” temperature is supposed to be.


What happened?

The other day I watched a TV commentator tell me I missed out on a lot of our national history. He was talking about how a TV show changed much of our TV operation.

The TV show was called “The Sopranos.”

Now, I remember the show being on TV, but I don’t remember ever sitting down and watching a single show.

I guess I missed watching history right before my eyes.

Maybe I can catch a re-run.


I’m beginning to get a little better idea of how our federal government works these days. Some thick headed brains (mine) are harder to penetrate than others.

A little while back I noted the three branches of American government work only when all three are equal. Not so much when one of the three takes control and the others sit back and do nothing.

I contend the executive branch of our government is taking control and the judicial branch is often out of touch with America and the legislative branch is totally useless these days. If the judicial branch doesn’t declare their law ‘un-constitutional” the executive branch ignores them and used “Executive Orders” to do what it wants to do.

U. S. Presidents (since George Washington) have used executive orders to help govern this country. In fact During WWII years, Roosevelt used more than 3,000. Mr. Trump used more than 200 and Mr. Biden has used more than 130, so far in his 3 plus years.

My comments are not to condemn all executive orders, but to let you know how presidents get around the legislative laws.

Presidents use the following actions to get what they want: • Executive Orders; • Presidential memoranda and • Proclamations.

Put simply, an executive order is a type of written instruction that presidents use to work their will through the executive branch of government.

From George Washington on, our presidents have issued many forms of directives, the most familiar being executive orders and two others: Presidential memoranda and presidential proclamations.

Each of these forms may direct the actions of government officials and agencies, and possibly affect the legal rights and responsibilities of private parties.

The main difference between them is that federal law requires, with few exceptions, executive orders and proclamations “of general applicability and legal effect” to be published in the Federal Register, where federal regulations are published. Other directives may be published or not, at the president’s discretion.

I fully understand the need for such action, but isn’t it the responsibility of “Congress” to respond to such Presidential action by telling the president that what he wants to do isn’t what Congress intended.

For example: consider several Executive Orders:

• Executive Orders dictated that the U. S. has no borders and that illegal aliens should be granted full U. S. citizenship;

• Executive Orders try to make women, men and men, women;

• Executive Orders have shut down the drilling of oil to the extent that gas prices are rising;

• Executive Orders dictate the production of electric cars;

• Executive Orders tried to reverse Mr. Biden’s forgiveness of student loans. When told that was the job of Congress, by the Supreme Court, he found another way to do this.

It so happens this is one of those times in history that Congress seems to be hopelessly conflicted between the Democrats and Republicans that they have trouble getting even a budget passed. Their “inaction” seems to give our current president the idea that “something” has to be done, so the Executive Order is the means they do it.

The original concept of American government has changed, and not for the better. The executive branch (i e: the president) seems to have taken over the legislative branch’s duties: that of making laws.

What can we do about it, out here in rural, south central Nebraska?

When November comes, vote to retain our senators and representatives and remove our current president. (Yes, I’m not excited about all of them and some of their actions, but they are so much better than the alternative.)

“Executive Orders:” sometimes a necessary action to conduct the government’s business. However, it seems that under a Democratic president, they try to do so much more than just conduct the government’s business. They try to change so many things in society. They are scary.

In my younger years, I did lean towards some Democratic policies. However, as I grew older, I put away the things of my youth that I found to be no good. Please put a stop to government by executive orders and return the U. S. Legislative branch of government to its proper position. You can help do that by voting to retain our conservative representatives in Congress and remove our current president from office.



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