Love my crazy life

I shouldn’t have said anything about not having our air conditioners running last week. The universe heard me and one-upped me. We installed the AC in our bedroom window Thursday evening and were trying to tough it out downstairs but caved on Sunday. There goes my low utility bills! This heat and humidity reminds me of summers as a kid, sneaking down to the river in the afternoon to cool off.

I wasn’t supposed to be at the river, but always seemed to end up there. LOL! My friends and I had found this spot where a tree had fallen in the water and it made for a nice deep swimming hole. You could jump off the tree into the water. It was located in a little bend of the river, which made it seem miles away from anything, but in reality it was just a quarter mile or so from home. The bank had washed away, and it was a long way, straight down to get to the sand bar. Luckily there were plenty of tree roots hanging so we could climb down.

The sandbar was huge there and clean. It was the closest I had ever been to a beach. In fact when I finally made it to the ocean, while living in Massachusetts, I was disappointed in the beach there. It wasn’t nearly as clean. There was lots of trash mixed in with the sand. I didn’t venture out onto the beach while in California. I saw it while walking along the boardwalk, but we didn’t have time to play in the sand. I should have taken the time just to see the difference.

I miss those lazy summer days just hanging out by the river, when the only worry I had was Mom finding out and grounding me. X’s & O’s.


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