Nuckolls County Foundation awards scholarships

The Nuckolls Country Foundation, was founded in 1981 by a number of prominent citizens of Jewell and Nuckolls county for the purpose of being a conduit is for donations to establish scholarships and help fund civic projects in these communities. The foundation is a 501c3 federal tax entity, meaning the funds donated to this foundation can most likely be used as a taxable deduction.

Some projects that the foundation has collected funds for in the past include: the Superior Track, the Superior Tennis Courts, school playground equipment, the Nelson Track and the Nelson Community Building. Current projects include the Nelson Library and the Lawrence Community Building.

In 1991, James B. Nichols donated to the foundation for the purpose of establishing a loan fund for college students in their junior, senior or post-graduate years to assist in their on-going education. These loans are interest free while in school and assume repayments immediately upon graduation at a rate of 3 percent interest. These loans are available to Nuckolls and Jewell county graduates. Anyone interested in applying for a loan should contact Anna Hawley, Lois Sullivan or John Hodge.

The original founders donated money to establish a scholarship fund for high school seniors in the two counties. Over the years, individual scholarship funds have been established by private citizens. This spring the board of directors, consisting of 12 citizens from Nuckolls and Jewell counties, met with the purpose of selecting the 2024 scholarship recipients. A total of $47,400 in scholarship aid was awarded.

The Diane Rose Sole Scholarship of $200 is awarded to students graduating form Lawrence-Nelson High School with plans to seek a degree in the medical field. Sydney Biltoft and Jessica Sole each received a scholarship this year.

The Roy and Velma Schiermeyer Rorabaugh Scholarship is for a Nuckolls County graduate with plans to study business. Clay Williams, of Lawrence-Nelson, and Lauren Tietjen of Superior, each received a $1,500 scholarship.

Students pursuing a degree in education may apply for the Charlotte Peckham Walters Scholarship. Rocky Miller, Lawrence-Nelson, was awarded this $ 1,000 renewable scholarship.

The Superior High School Class of ‘65 awarded a $250 scholarship to Sophia Fullerton.

The Rena Clingman Scholarship is new this year. This $1,000 scholarship for students attending a 4-year college or university may be renewed for a second year. Twelve students were selected: From Rock Hills High School: Hannah Simmilink and Isabella Volker; from Lawrence-Nelson High School: Clay Williams, Sydney Biltoft, Bailey Ceder, Connor Janda and Rocky Miller; and from Superior High School: Madison Heusinkvelt, Teagan Duncan, Nevaeh Wilhelms, Cayce Barry, and Lauren Tietjen.

The Nuckolls Country Foundation awarded 25 scholarships in the amount of $1,200. Recipients include: From Rock Hills High School: Hanna Simmilink, Isabella Volker and Grace Ayers’ from Lawrence-Nelson High School; Emily Watts, Sydney Biltoft, Madison Bissell-Elwess, Bailey Ceder, Danyelle Church, Roy Davidson, Nathan Elledge, Riley Funk, Claire Himmelberg, Baylin Bargen, Connor Janda, Jacob Kathman, A.J. Koehler, Nolan Ostdiek, and Jessica Sole; and from Superior High School: Madison Heusinkvelt, Seth Grijalva, Teagan Duncan, Lilly Edwards, Nevaeh Wilhelms, Cayce Barry, and Sophia Fullerton.

The $250 Roy Equall scholarship was awarded to Sophia Fullerton. Seth Grijalva was the recipient of the $500 Jason Poole scholarship.


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