
Northern Lights . . .

Aurora Borealis . . .

Plus scientific names . . .

Gosh, what an experience. Something many of us in south central Nebraska never thought we’d have the chance to experience in our lifetime.

I did take a peek outside Friday night, but did not see anything at all. Most all reports I heard about were much later.

I heard about those lights, I read about them, but never thought they would ever reach this far south.

In today’s ‘technology based’ world, it seems pictures taken by today’s cell phones show more than just plain viewing did. I read the reason for that is because the cell phone “photo receptors” are more sensitive to light than the human eye. Hence, the cell phone photos capture more than the human eye.

Just like many naturally occurring events, never thought we’d have the chance to see here in south central Nebraska.


Have you been following the story of the North Platte, Nebraska, Post Office?

The Postal Service proposed that the “distribution center” in North Platte be closed and all mail be forwarded to Denver to be sorted and forwarded.

Does that sound familiar to any of you? Like just a few years back when that same postal service suggested all mail from this part of Nebraska (as well as others) be forwarded to Omaha to be sorted.

Yes they had “public meetings” to give postal customers a chance to express their opinion here. They did the same thing in the North Platte area.

I know in this area and I’ve read about the North Platte area, not a person spoke in favor of the moves. And, sure enough, just a week or two ago, the Post Office announced that the center in North Platte would be shut down and the mail would be forwarded to Denver, sorted and forwarded on to its destination.

So now (if I understand right) if I mail a letter to North Platte from Lawrence, Nebraska. That letter would go from Lawrence to Hastings, to Omaha, to Denver, to North Platte.

Right now, I firmly believe that the postal officials had their mind made up that the moves to Omaha for us and to Denver for western Nebraska was already decided. The public meetings were strictly a show to try and prove they were concerned about the public’s opinion.

It was a waste of time and effort and that was proved when they made the decisions to make the moves when everyone of the public interested was against the move.

Folks: if you ever think Socialism is good, just consider these moves and you get your answer. The government will do whatever it wants, regardless of what the public wants.

The two stances are not always the same.

Will it work?

Most likely it will work, only the people around western Nebraska will have to get use to slower mail service. Today is Monday and I still have not received last week’s Southern Nebraska Register mailed Thursday from Lincoln.

The Postal Service has a tough job. Moves like these do not help solve the problem they have.


Have you been listening. Seeing, or reading about all the Anti-Israel “Protests” taking place”?

I guess last week a number of the “Protests” were broken up as I understand it, they were not peaceful any more.

I understand the right to protest and all that includes. However, it seems that often the people that want to protest something forget that the word “Peace” is included in that idea. Peaceful protests often get overlooked and those protestors think they have the right to do anything they want, and that often includes damage to buildings and public structures and some of the time to people as well.

A lot of protests in the past may have started off in an effort to correct a “wrong” in society, and/or its laws, etc.

What they end up with is something much more different.

Watching some of these protest on TV has made me wonder at times. “Who pays for all the materials, signs, food and whatever else they need?”

Many of these “Protests” have the look of someone of means paying and organizing them for some purpose other than what it is advertised for.

I understand that some effort has been made to track down just who is paying for all the material and equipment that is needed for such protests to be carried out. Again, from what I’ve read and heard, it is some wealthy, liberal person or persons that have the money, time, people and experience to do such things.

Many, and I think ‘most’ of these protests do not just happen. A “paid” organizer, or two or dozen, makes them happen. And who pays for them ? ? ?



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