Commissioners hear department reports

The Jewell County Commissioners met April 29. Commissioners present were Keith Roe, Ed Duskie and Brent Beck. Carla Waugh, county clerk, attended the meeting.

The following were present for the office head meeting and provided an update for their department: Anna Porter, county appraiser; James A. Vaughan IV, solid waste director; Cindy Becker, health administrator; Carla Waugh, county clerk, and Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, Emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator. Those absent: Amanda Davis, register of deeds; Shannon Meier, ambulance director; Chris Petet, custodian; Scott Wright, county attorney; Don Jacobs, sheriff; Joel Elkins, general superintendent; Nora Rhoades, Post Rock Extension District director, and Brenda Eakins, treasurer.

Anna Porter said the appeal hearings are almost complete. They are currently taking applications for personal property-data collection clerk. Anna will certify personal property and real estate values by June 1. Darla Betz will be starting the reinspection of real estate property.

Cindy Becker reported on several meetings and seminars the department has attended and will be attending. She has been working on grant reporting. Cindy said they will have a blood pressure check booth at the Jewell County Hospital Lab Fair.

Kevin Peroutek reported for the emergency management that he attended the Red Cross presentation and Regional Homeland Security meeting. Kevin had for the commissioners approval the 2024 Management Plan and the Annual Noxious Weed Eradication Progress Report for 2023.

Carla Waugh said Nex-Tech will be at the courthouse the week of May 20th to install servers. The departments will be receiving 2025 budget request forms soon. Carla Waugh and Myka Zadina will attend the county clerk’s conference and a budget training seminar.

Brent Beck and Ed Duskie attended a highway association meeting.

Ed Duskie attended the JCA meeting. He said he continues to monitor roads.

Keith Roe attended the North Central Regional Planning Commission meeting at Beloit. Keith said the commissioners appreciate employees willing to work in other departments.

Cindy Becker, health administrator, discussed the Health 365 Coalition reimbursement for December 2023. She discussed the Medicare payment process. Cindy said they have water in their office basement, and she is getting bids for repairs. They are also having issues with the water softener system and are getting bids for a new system. She requested permission to get a dehumidifier for the basement.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed bridge projects. He also discussed rock projects.

Tanya Paul, DVACK Outreach specialist, reviewed the services they provide. Tanya read the proclamation for April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The commissioners proclaimed April 2024 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

The commissioners approved the year-end 2023 transfers for the general fund to equipment reserve - $100,000; ambulance to ambulance equipment - $5,000; road to special equipment -$250,000 and road to special highway - $100,000.

Commissioners approved the 2024 Management Plan and the Annual Noxious Weed Eradication Progress Report for 2023.

Darren Booth, Theel Insurance, reviewed Freedom Claims Management Inc. claims and payments for the period of Jan. 1 to March 31, 2024.


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