137th SHS class receives dilomas

SHS Class of 2024 graduated Saturday

The 137th annual commencement of Superior High School was held in the high school gym on Saturday, May 4. The 38 minute ceremony started at 2 p.m. The SHS Class of 2024 has 23 members. Twenty-one graduated Saturday. Two finished midyear.

The high school band under the direction Allison White played the processional and national anthem.

John Whetzal, principal-superintendent, read the academic recognition. Those inducted into National Honor Society as juniors were Cayce Barry, Teegan Duncan, Sophia Fullerton, Madison Heusinkvelt, Nadia McMeen and Ashleigh Primus. Carsyn Koenig and Nevaeh Wilhelms were inducted as seniors.

Teegan Duncan, Nadia McMeen, and Ashleigh Primus made the honor roll all grading periods.

Seniors with a 93-94 grade point average were named Cum Laude . They were Lilly Edwards, Madison Heusinkvelt, Cayrsyn Koenig and Lauren Tietjen. Magma Cum Laude recipients (95-97 grade point average) were Cayce Barry, Teegan Duncan, Sophia Fullerton, Ashleigh Primus and Nevaeh Wilhelms. Nadia McMeen was the only member of the class with a 98-100 grade point average. She was named Summa Cum Laude.

Class members were awarded $414,695 in scholarships.

Whetzal challenged the class with a quote from Henry Ford: "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

Cayce Barry was the class speaker. Lauren Tietjen, Carsyn Koenig, Teegan Duncan and Nevaeh Wilhelms reminisced and talked about class antics.

Members of the class presented white carnations (the class flower) while accompanied by the song - "Rivers and Roads" by The Head and the Heart was played. Flowers were tied with bows which represented the class colors of sage green and white.

Whetzal presented the board of education. Luke Meyers, vice president of the board, presented the diplomas.

The class motto is "There are no good-byes for us. Wherever you are you will always be in my heart," by Mahatma Gandhi.

The class selected "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns N' Roses for the recessional and shot confetti and bubbles into the air as they exited the gymnasium.


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