Love my Crazy Life

I’m so excited!

Jacob will be home in a little over a week. I’m not sure if he will stay at the house this visit, but it will be nice to see him in person and give him a big long hug. I do hope that he and his wifey will stay a night or two, but if not, I will do my best to keep my mommy feelers hidden. It doesn’t do anyone any good to have me throwing a toddler sized tantrum just because they don’t want to sleep here. LOL!

I got the go ahead to help decorate for my daughter-in-law to-be’s graduation. I love, love, love party planning, not so much the party its self, but the decorating, that’s my jam. I’m trying hard to keep it simple, I tend to go way overboard. If we lived in a bigger area, party planning would be the perfect career for me. My cousin who lives in Texas has her own party business, and I am green with envy. She puts together lavish slumber parties for little girls, it’s amazing the themes she thinks up. It’s really awesome what she does.

Duke is almost 10 months old now, and he is a huge puppy! He is as hard headed as me, if not more so. He has learned he can get away with naughty things because he is faster than me, so I bought a shock collar. It works about half the time, the other half, he just shakes it off like it’s nothing. He also is aware that it is the collar that is annoying him and that I am the one pushing the buttons. He tried to get the controller out of my hand the other day. I mainly use the beep and the vibrate feature, they seem to get his attention more than the shock does. He was trying to use me as a jungle gym last night and as soon as I picked up that remote he jumped back and barked at me. LOL, darn dog is too smart for his own good!

My biggest accomplishment this past week was getting the master bedroom cleaned, again! I clean a lot for having a messy house all the time. I am hoping that soon I will be too busy outside to worry about the dust bunnies inside.

Pray for rain, X’s & O’s.


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