Spring program delivers big finale for Superior Elementary music teacher

The Big Finale

To say that Tierney Casper went above and beyond for her final elementary performance would be accurate.

Titled The Day the Crayons Quit, the program began with the preschool students who performed five songs: Hurry, Hurry Drive the Firetruck, Carnival of the Animals - Elephant, Five Little Gray Fish, Rainbow Song and Oh Rainbow. Kindergarten and first grade together sang four songs: Flying Purple People Eater, Hot Cross Buns, Snowflakes and Black Joke. Second and third grade together also sang four songs titled Rain, Rain Go Away, The Pink Panther Theme Song, Peaches (from the Mario Bros. Movie) and The Frog in the Bag. Fourth and fifth grade performed You Are My Sunshine, Yellow and Mr. Yellow-Orange Sun.

The entire show was broken up by short skits where several children would line up at the front of the stage telling jokes about one of the crayon colors, holding signs stating they were on strike because of how they were or weren't being used and presenting their cases. Each and every song had some kind of prop, dance or unique event making it special and fun for parents and the boys and girls performing. One song near the end came with a disclaimer to watch out for flying basketballs as the children were dribbling them back and forth to the beat.

Finally, Mrs. Casper exited the stage, walked down the center aisle and stopped in the center of the room while Principal Jodie Fierstein sat down at the piano. The Music and Arts Teacher raised her arms. The kindergarten through third graders who had been waiting on the bleachers stood up and performed Somewhere Over the Rainbow in unison with the fourth and fifth graders still on stage - an emotional finale.

With that, Tierney announced that she would no longer be teaching, taking time to be with her children. After a heartfelt thank you and farewell, she ended the show.

We parents thank you, Mrs. Casper, for going above and beyond for our children, taking an interest in their artistic growth and nurturing their musical abilities.


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