April  Monthly Chamber of Commerce Minutes

Fifteen members attended the Mankato Chamber of Commerce regular monthly meeting on April 10. President Jason Ortman called the meeting to order. Haley Nelson read the March minutes. One change was made. Haley Nelson also gave the treasurer’s report.

Haley Nelson gave an update on the membership drive for 2024. There weren’t any new members since the March meeting. The members will present at the meeting are going to help Haley distribute them to the 2024 members. The chamber also continued discussion about non-profit membership for churches and other organizations. The chamber decided for this year non-profit membership will be $30. The chamber will discuss the possibility of raising chamber dues in 2025 later in the year. 

Community garden plots are full for the season. Don Koester tilled the gardens again this year. The chamber discussed giving him Chamber Bucks for his help.

The chamber discussed the Community Wide Clean-Up. There are approximately 16 pickups so far for this year. The city employees picked up at the stops Monday through Wednesday April 15 through 17. Amotion for the chamber to buy four pizzas for the city employees to thank them for their help was approved.

There were three scholarship applications submitted this year. They were reviewed and voted on with Isabella Volker being selected as the recipient of this year’s $500 scholarship. Jason Ortman will attend Senior Day on Friday, May 10, to present Bella with her award. 

The “Christmas in Mankato” committee has started planning the event for this year. They asked the chamber if they could use the chamber’s 503-C Non-profit status to apply for a grant to help with funding for the event. It was unanimous that they could. 

On Tuesday, April 21, NCK Casa will host a free movie with a free small popcorn at the Ute Theatre. The movie will be Kung Fu Panda. 

Jewell County 4-H hosted a family funday.

The NexGen Under 30 applications are open for 2024. If you know someone 30 or under that is going above and beyond in our community and you would like to nominate them to be recognized for their hard work you can do so by visiting nexgenunder30ks.com  

The chamber discussed purchasing a plaque for Carl and Kathy Jensen and honoring them at the July meeting for their upcoming retirement.

The next meeting will take place Wednesday, May 8, at the Senior Center.


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