For Christians, Holy Week services climax on Easter

Holy Week services at First United Methodist Church

Holy Week commemorates events from more than 2,000 years ago, which still herald the good news today. It is the reason behind the sacrifice of Jesus’ life that makes it good. The Easter holiday is how it is observed. Several churches will be celebrating the joyful tidings. Pastor Bonnie Brock from First United Methodist Church in Superior, presents an open invitation to everyone in the community to attend one or all of the services during Holy Week, Sunday, March 24 to Sunday, March 31. Pastor Bonnie would like to make it clear the invitation is not an attempt to encourage people to leave their home church, if they have one, or to “steal sheep,” but that “we are of one body,” and can celebrate in unity together.

Palm Sunday, March 24, is a day remembering Jesus’ humble entrance into Jerusalem riding on a donkey to celebrate the Passover. He was greeted by large crowds waving palm leaves and hailing praises to Him as a king. First United Methodist Church, will have their usual coffee and fellowship at 10 a.m. followed by morning worship at 10:30 a.m. To launch the week’s festivities, the church will host a cantata performed by The Superior Area Community Chorus at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Maundy Thursday, March 28, is a significant day observing the Passover meal Jesus had with his 12 disciples. There, Jesus instituted the Last Supper with breaking bread and passing a cup of wine foretelling of His impending death and for them to remember His sacrifice when they partake of Communion in the future. Prior to the meal, Jesus took upon Himself the form of a servant to wash His disciples’ feet showing love and tenderness towards them and commanded they do the same with one another.

At First United Methodist Church they will be replicating the biblical principles by serving a Seder meal, Communion and a foot washing ceremony to celebrate Maundy Thursday, “We are doing the Seder meal in remembrance of the Israelites leaving Egypt,” said Pastor Bonnie, a time when the Jewish people were freed from their bondage in Egypt. Adults and children are welcome to participate. “We believe when Jesus fed the thousands of people, He didn’t forbid the children to partake of the food. Just like you wouldn’t tell children to not eat at home. Children may lack understanding now, but will understand later,” said Pastor Bonnie. For those who would like to participate, and RSVP is required by Monday, March 25 so the meal and activities can be planned for accordingly. The services will begin at 6:30 p.m. RSVP’s can be made to Mary Hamilton at 402-879-1391 or to the church at 402-879-3341.

For Good Friday, March 29, “We are giving a modern-day twist on when Jesus was crucified more than 2,000 years ago,” said the pastor. There will be a drama about “Jesus from the cross to His death, and what that means, so we have hope,” she added. The pastor and members from previous churches she pastored have performed the same skit. One parishioner commented to Pastor Bonnie how the play made Jesus seem so tangible “You put skin on Him,” he said. In addition to the drama there will be special music. Good Friday services begin at 7 p.m.

Easter Sunrise Sunday, March 31, service will begin at 7 a.m. inside the Superior Evergreen Cemetery Chapel. For this service there will be singing of songs and reading from the Bible about the account of the women who went to Jesus’ tomb and found it empty. Guests will have the opportunity to observe the sunrise, weather permitting, in remembrance of Jesus’ resurrection. In thinking of the glorious day, Pastor Bonnie said with a deep exhale, “We remember He rose from the grave and ascended into heaven-it gives us hope.”

Shortly after sunrise service, there will be a special Easter Sunday, worship in observance of the Holy Day. First United Methodist Church will begin service at 10:30 a.m. and for those who aren’t able to make it to the church, it will be streamed online through Facebook. The youth will be ringing handbells to the tune of Up from the Grave He Rose. Again, Pastor Bonnie extends her invitation to the community to attend Easter service in celebration of His resurrection as well as the events leading up to Easter Sunday.

Pastor Bonnie hopes many will attend these events and that “people will come back if they don’t have a home church. Sometimes “people feel like they are heathen and are not worthy to enter a church, but we want everyone to feel accepted, loved and to experience and learn more about Christ,” she said on Easter Sunday and to return on other worship days as well.

Pastor Bonnie encourages people to “remember Christ, grow in faith and to be involved with a community of believers.” To inspire these connections with God and others, First United Methodist Church has weekly Bible studies, church services and other activities to participate in. Here is their weekly schedule:

*Note: For Easter Sunday there will not be the adult Bible study. The children’s 9:30 a.m. Sunday School will be replaced with an egg hunt.


9 a.m. Adult Bible study 9:30 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 10 a.m. coffee

10:30 a.m. worship


6:30 p.m. All men’s Bible study


9 a.m. “Needle Huddle” is a crocheting-knitting group open to men and women. One can work on their own project or participate in special projects they have for the group. Fidget blankets are also available for those needing sensory stimulation.

9:30 a.m. Pastor Bonnie teaches Bible studies at Kingswood Court

2:30 p.m. Women’s Bible study

4 to 5 p.m. Kids 4 Christ for youth beginning to learn about the Bible

5 to 6 p.m. Confirmation for those ages 12 and up

If a new member has never experienced confirmation, Pastor Bonnie, will conduct a one-on-one class if needed.

6 to 7 p.m. Youth Group

Like much of ministerial personnel, Pastor Bonnie also conducts weddings, pre-marital counseling classes and funerals for First United Methodist members and those who don’t have a pastor.

If you have any questions about the Holy Week services and activities or church services please contact Pastor Bonnie Brock at 308-991-6261.


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