JC holds conservation district annual meeting at community center

Nearly 100 attend conservation district's annual meeting

The Jewell County Conservation District's annual meeting was held at the Mankato Community Center the evening of Feb. 21. Sherry Koster, district manager, welcomed the nearly 98 guests, then introduced the district board members: Chad Simmelink – chair; Brett Walker – vice chair; Jerry Birdsell – treasurer; Zach Bruns and Corbin Greene – members. The Jewell County Bankers were thanked for their sponsorship of the meal. She also thanked local NRCS staff Jeremy Jacobs and Rick Gardner for their help with the evening and Amanda Johnson, Mitchell County Conservation District manager, and daughter, Grace DeMars, for serving the 80th Anniversary Cake to the guests. Pastor Rod Rose of the Esbon Community Church gave the blessing. A power point presentation of conservation district history for 80 years and activities from 2023 was shown before and during the meal.

After the meal, JCCD Chair Simmelink asked Brian Shulda, Mankato fire chief, to present information on Jewell County Resolution 23-6, which was adopted and passed Sept. 18, 2023. This resolution deals with the correct procedures to follow before a fire is set in Jewell County. Copies of this resolution were available at the meeting and are available at the conservation district office.

Chair Simmelink then opened the 2023 Annual Meeting. The official minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting (held 2-22-2023) were approved as presented in the evening's program book, as were the treasurer's report and 2023 annual report.

Two board members terms were expiring in February. Brett Walker and Jerry Birdsell. They agreed to serve as board members again. Nomination committee representative Matt Becker nominated Brett Walker and Jerry Birdsell to each serve another term of three years. Ballots were cast by the voters who registered and counted by board members Zach Bruns and Corbin Greene. Both Walker and Birdsell were reelected unanimously.

FSA representatives Janelle Greene and Blake Davis reviewed upcoming FSA deadlines and other information. Door Prize Winners: Star Seed Bucket – Rod Rose; Garden Cover Crop Mix – Jessica Shulda; Tree Planting Spades – Scott Jeffery and Amber Greene, Infiltration Test Pipes – Ed Duskie and Matt Becker; Sharp Bros Bag – Sally Engle; USDA bag – Grady Warne.

Sherry Koster, district manager, reviewed the education activities during 2023. A Conservation Morning for the elementary school and a 5th Grade Conservation Tour were held in September. Appreciation for help with those events was extended to Mitchell, Ottawa and Republic County Conservation District staff, local Daughters of the American Revolution and other community members, plus staff from NRCS, Kansas Forest Service, Elevate Ag and Kansas Wildlife and Parks. Rock Hills Elementary School Conservation coloring and poster winners were then introduced. Each student was awarded an award certificate and gift certificates to the Ute Theatre. Eleven of the 20 winners were present to receive their awards. Sherry also thanked the Rock Hills School staff for their help with these programs. Bethany Roe, Janis McDill and Bethany Roe, local DAR members, were thanked for judging the coloring and poster contests.

It was noted that Kinley Green, 5th grade first place winner, also received an honorable mention at the Kansas Association of Conservation Districts Annual Meeting in November.

Kenny Mizner – County Key Banker, reviewed the purpose of the Energy Conservation Award. Danny Eilert, Mankato, was awarded the first Energy Conservation Award for Jewell County.

Sandra Wick – crop production agent-Post Rock Extension District, reviewed the Water Quality Recognition Award. Ray and Barb Mizner and their Family (son Kenny and wife, Shena, and son, Nick and wife, Kristin), Esbon, were then honored as the first Water Quality Recognition Award recipients in Jewell County!

Jeremy Jacobs, NRCS district conservationist, shared his thoughts on the balance between conservation effort and the Mizner farming operation. Power point presentations for both awards were shown during the awards ceremony.

The program for the evening was the harmonizing duo of Ken Benedick and his daughter, Andrea LePon, Beloit. The audience enjoyed the entertainment.

Adjournment of the Jewell County Conservation District's annual meeting followed their program.


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