Pages rearranged for press testing

Before the COVID lockdown, this newspaper requested a visit from a webpress mechanic to perform maintenance on the 60 plus year old press used each week to print your newspaper. After the travel restrictions were lifted the mechanics had a long back log of work.

Monday morning the long awaited phone call came. A mechanic had left Shelton, Iowa, and was headed to Superior expecting to arrive about 6 p.m. He said he wanted to see the press run and asked, “Do you have anything to put on the press Monday night?”

We were able to put this week’s Courtland Journal on and he observed the operation of one press unit. After the Journal was printed, he began making repairs and adjustments.

He was back on the job Tuesday morning with a similar request. He wanted to test other units.

As a result you will find the familiar page order and placement of stories has been altered for this week. If you check the regular place and the story you wanted isn’t there, look on other pages, we have not been able to order the content as usual.


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