Commissioners appoint committee assignments

The Jewell County Commissioners met Jan. 8. Commissioners Brent Beck, Keith Roe, and Ed Duskie and Carla Waugh, county clerk, were present .

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed road concerns.

Keith Roe was appointed chairman and Ed Duskie was appointed vice chairman.

The Jewell County Record was designated as the official county newspaper.

All banks in Jewell County were designated as official depositories.

Ed Duskie was appointed Jewell County’s representative for the LEPG advisory board.

Ed Duskie was reappointed as Jewell County’s representative for the juvenile justice authority-community corrections.

Brent Beck was reappointed Jewell County’s representative for the North Central Kansas Regional Juvenile Detention Facility.

Keith Roe was reappointed as Jewell County’s representative for the North Central Regional Planning Commission board.

Brent Beck was reappointed Jewell County’s alternate representative for the North Central Regional Planning Commission board.

Per K.S.A. 19-204 the commissioners reviewed commission districts based on current population. It was determined to retain the current commission districts as currently assigned.

The commissioners’ inventory listing was approved.


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