Structure of Mankato City Council meetings discussed this month

Mankato City Council met Tuesday, Jan. 2, at the city office.

Members approved the contractual invoice from the MankatoFire Department and the Midlands payment for the sewer project as presented.

City Attorney Miller discussed municipal judge candidate with the council. He will bring the candidates to Mayor Schoonover for his appointment to be made at the February meeting.

The council discussed moving the February council meeting to 7 p.m., Feb. 5, so that Mayor Schoonover can attend the meeting.

City Administrator Roy discussed the rent received from Free Spirit Massage. The council directed the city administrator to look into the rent and work with Darrell on drafting a lease for the building.

Assistant City Clerk McCormick discussed the utility deposit refund account with the council. City staff is working on cross referencing the amount shown that is owed to customers vs. what is in the account. Moving forward city staff recommends the city credit people’s bills their refund amount after one year of good standing. No action was taken by the council at this time.

The city administrator discussed the structure of the city council meetings. He discussed the option of Zoom for the council, and it was decided not to pursue that at this time except for council members who need to attend remotely. He also discussed allowing a public comment period at the beginning of the council meeting. With the council’s agreement a public comment period will be added to the agenda of future regular council meetings. The public will be given no more than 5 minutes to speak, and the council can extend that time as they deem necessary. It’s important that the public refrain from outbursts during the council meetings except for when called upon. If additional time is needed, the public is asked to call City Hall and get put on the agenda prior to the meeting.

The city administrator told the council he will have some items for discussion ready for the February council meeting in regards to the employee handbook.


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