J C Commissioners met in December

The Jewell County Commissioners met Dec. 26. Commissioners, Brent Beck, Keith Roe and Ed Duskie and Carla Waugh, county clerk, were present.

The following were present for the office head meeting and provided an update for their department: Don Jacobs, sheriff; Chris Petet, custodian; Carla Waugh, county clerk; Cindy Becker, health administrator; and Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator. Those absent: Shannon Meier, ambulance director; Amanda Davis, register of deeds; Joel Elkins, general superintendent; Nora Rhoades, Post Rock Extension District director; Brenda Eakins, treasurer; Alexandria Pierce, county attorney; Anna Porter, county appraiser; and PJ Garst, solid waste director.

Chairman Beck wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Chris Petet reported on the boiler repairs.

Don Jacobs had a quote for two vests for the officers. He said they are advertising for a part-time dispatcher. One deputy  will be attending the law enforcement academy in January. He also provided the December statistics report.

Kevin Peroutek said he has been  working on year-end reports. The weed department has had a few chemical sales, with chemical prices decreasing. He has continued to do some spraying. Peroutek attended the weed director’s meeting. He plans to attend the weed conference in February. He reported for the emergency preparedness that a meeting with the fire chiefs and responders is planned for February. He is wrapping up the LEPC reporting. The LEPC committee is modifying  the by-laws for quorum requirements. Trooper Ben provided an active shooter presentation at the last LEPC meeting.

Carla Waugh reminded the departments to complete their inventory listings and to provide a copy of each employee’s driver’s license. She said the clerk’s office is providing calendars with due dates and pay dates for bills and payroll to the departments. She said it was payroll and will be closing out the books for the year. The first election for 2024 is March 19, for the Presidential Preference Primary. This election has some different rules and deadlines compared to the other elections. She reminded everyone starting Jan. 1, 2024, they must present two medical cards.

Cindy Becker said she has been working on grant reporting. The department has been providing vaccines.

Keith Roe said he attended the North Central Regional Planning Commission meeting and JCCDA meeting.

Ed Duskie said he attended the KAC annual meeting, wildlife meeting, and the multi-county meeting. He also has had road complaints.

Chairman Beck recognized the following employees for their continuous years of service achieved during 2023: Amber Harding, Matthew Cody Volker, Amanda Davis, Gregory Manning, and Chelsea Dunn all with 10 years of service.

Beck said the commissioners have been working on employee evaluations. He attended the  hospital board meeting, the juvenile detention center board meeting, and the multi-county meeting. He also has had road complaints.

The commissioners reviewed the quote for the two vests for the sheriff’s department, from GT Distributors Inc. Keith Roe moved and Ed Duskie seconded to approve the purchase of two SBA MR02 Level II Ballistic Vests for a total of $1,969.50 from GT Distributors, Inc. Motion passed unanimously.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed personnel hiring to fill open positions.

The commissioners approved the following transfers:

Unused money in the 2023 Jewell County Ambulance Budget be transferred into the 2024 Jewell County Ambulance Capital Outlay Fund, with the exact amount to be determined at a later date.

Unused money in the 2023 Jewell County Noxious Weed Budget be transferred into the 2024 Jewell County Noxious Weed Capital Outlay Fund, with the exact amount to be determined at a later date.

Unused money in the 2023 Jewell County Road & Bridge Budget be transferred into the 2024 Special Road Equipment Fund, with the exact amount to be determined at a later date.

Unused money in the 2023 Jewell County Public Health Budget be transferred into the 2024 Jewell County Public Health Capital Outlay Fund.


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