Love my crazy life

Mark it on your calendar, 120 days from Dec. 21, because we should get one heck of a storm. I had to drive to Lincoln and back in that fog on Thursday. The morning part of the drive wasn’t bad at all. I left around eight so I would be able to do a little last minute Christmas shopping before my appointment with the allergist. I was quite shocked with how tame the shopping mall was, it being just four days away from the holiday. Although it was getting pretty crowded by the time I left at noon.

I hate shopping so close to a holiday, any holiday! Mainly because I don’t like crowds of people all on a mission — other than mine. They get in my way. LOL! I hadn’t planned on getting a bunch of gifts this year, but last minute, I changed my mind. I had one last $15 gift to purchase, and I was bound and determined to get something nice at that price. By golly, I found it. Sales are great, but you really have to shop around to find them. I even found a gift for Mom, and that was my tough one this year. I never know what to get — something she needs, or something she wants. It’s never an easy choice, but this year I was able to do both. I wish I could have done more, but we all do what we can.

I made it to my appointment 45 minutes early, so I ate the lunch I had packed and went in 15 minutes before my check-in time. They got me in right away but I sat a long time before the nurse came in, and then I sat some more waiting for the doctor. They tested me for several different allergens, none of which came back positive.

All I could think about while waiting in that little room was that the weather wasn’t getting any better outside. I was right, I got out of there a little before three, and headed for home. A two hour drive took around three and half hours, I couldn’t see a thing. I wasn’t quite pea soup, but it was pretty close, and the further south I drove, the worse it got. So if the oldtimers are correct, we should have a toad strangler in March.

I’m kind of excited for Christmas morning this year, even though it will just be George and me. George made my gift this year. He has been in the garage the last three weekends working on it and it was placed under the tree this morning. It’s about the size of a bread box. I can’t wait to see what it is. Most years whatever was under the tree for me, I bought and wrapped. I tried one year giving George a few ideas for a gift, and he just bought them all, which was nice, but not what I had intended. Boys are funny creatures.

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and a happy and safe new year. X’s & O’s.


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