
Did you ever get a song caught in your mind and it kept repeating itself over and over all day (or maybe more than a day) in your mind. Maybe it was a thought or phrase or whatever.

Well, I recently heard a song and had to look up just when and where it came from. The name of the song is “People are Crazy.” It was written in 2008 and the three lines I keep hearing in my mind were:

“God is Great!”

“Beer is Good!”

“People are Crazy!”

I got to thinking: “God is Great.” That is the only one of the three lines that is true without qualifications. However, there are those in the world today that use that thought to force their belief in God upon others. If you question that, read the history of the Muslim religion. People are crazy to believe God wants other people to be forced to love Him, rather than love Him on their own. They call it “Free Will.”

Continuing on . . . “Beer is Good.” Nothing wrong with that statement. I enjoy a beer ever so often. However, people do seem to overuse beer ever so often and that is not good as it often leads to many a problem in society today. Alcoholism is not a pretty word and it might fit under that “People are Crazy” mantra.

“People are Crazy” . . . Now, there’s a thought . . . and you may think we’ve finally hit upon a line you can’t argue with.

However, that is not true either. Maybe you should observe, in the next month, all of the ‘good deeds’ people will be doing to help celebrate the birth of Jesus. Are they all crazy giving away millions of dollars to help people without the earthly favors so many of us have? There are many other examples to display reasons just why all people are not crazy.

However . . . there are also a multiple of reasons to think this phrase is true. Such as: • The war being waged on Israel today; • The war of Russia on Ukraine; • Russia, China, and South Korea trying to reinvent the ‘Cold War’; • Trying to convince us that abortions are a method of ‘Women’s Health’; • Trying to convince us there are more than two genders in this world: ‘male,’ ‘female’ and ‘what else?’

Plenty of reason to think people are crazy.

You may know (or maybe not know) that Pope Francis likes to use technology as well as many others in today’s world. The Pope sends out little “tweets” almost every day for all to give a little thought to. Last week as the People are Crazy song was going around in my head, one of the tweets of the Pope was also put on the media. It went like this:

“The joy of the Gospel cannot be taken away from us by anyone or anything (cf. Jn 16:22). The evils of our world and of the Church must not be excuses for diminishing our commitment and our fervor. Let us look upon them as challenges which can help us to grow.”  Pope Francis

So, if people indeed do ‘crazy’ things and if people do indeed misuse Beer, say a prayer for them and remember the first thought of the verse: “God is Great.”


Election results can be interesting, and they can make changes.

You, no doubt, heard of some of the results in the early November election held in certain states. The national media made sure everyone knew of the election results where the Democrats won. For example, in the south three states elected governors. The Republicans won two states and the Democrats won one state.

We heard all about the Democratic victory, but little about the other two.

In reading the results of some of the other elections, mostly on the local level, it seems many a Liberal (err, Democratic) office holder was voted out of office.

A school board election in Virginia was maybe an example of a number of elections around the nation.

Seems that in Virginia’s Loudoun County, in 2021, a father was arrested after he demanded answers regarding the rape of his daughter in a girls’ restroom.

Well, in this election, The school board, the superintendent and even the local prosecutor have all been ousted or declined to run for reelection.

The county attorney, a Democratic prosecutor bankrolled by the George Soros-funded Justice and Public Safety PAC, lost her reelection campaign.

Seems a 15 year old boy identified as “gender-fluid” (whatever that is) was found “not innocent” of charges of sexual abuses to which he pleaded “no contest.”

The school board, superintendent and county attorney were all replaced after the election. The state governor, Glenn Youngkin, issued a complete pardon to the father of the girl victim who had been arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest at the school board meeting.

Seems that even if some people are crazy (in this case the Liberals superintendent, school board and county attorney) were replaced by some people maybe not as crazy.

As Pope Francis said: “the evils of the world must not diminish our commitment to what is right.”


Talk about crazy . . . The Nebraska Cornhuskers had a really “Black” couple of days last week. The football team lost . . . the volleyball team lost it first game of the season . . . the soccer team lost in the quarter finals of the NCAA tournament.

If it wasn’t for the Thanksgiving holiday, it might have been a sad, sad weekend.

However, did you also notice that the Cornhusker men’s basketball team won its seventh game of the young season? Something that hasn’t happened in a long, long time, if ever.

A belated ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ to everyone.


We’ll continue the Nebraska Trivia Quirky Laws exam this week with the following questions with answers to follow.

No. 1: They’re called “munchkins” at Dunkin’ and “Timbits” at Tim Hortons. What bite-size confections were illegal to sell in Leigh, Nebraska, until 1997?

No. 2: Some 17 states permit the hunting of what migratory bird under restricted circumstances, but Nebraska is not one of them?

No. 3: To prevent people with disabilities from begging in the streets, in the late 19th century many U. S. cities passed so-called “ugly laws” prohibiting the “unsightly” from appearing in public. Surprisingly, police in Omaha attempted to enforce that city’s inhumane “ugly law” as late as what decade?

No. 4: In 2018, Nebraska passed LB596, which exempts practitioners of what kind of therapy on horses, cats and dogs from being required to possess a license?

No. 5: A common urban legend states that hotels are required to provide guests with a clean white cotton nightshirt in which Nebraska “Tri-Cities” community?


No. 1: Donut holes.

No. 2: Sandhill Cranes.

No. 3: The 1970s (1974 specifically).

No. 4: Massage therapy.

No. 5: Hastings.



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