Love my crazy life

Duke found his voice! I’ve heard him bark, playfully, but he is not typically a vocal pup. My friend, Linda, popped in the other day. Like always, she walked on in. I knew she was there, I heard the door, but it caught Duke off guard. When he barked, I almost jumped out of my skin. He sounds scary! I guess that is what they mean by “his bark is worse than his bite.”

I’m feeling a little better, and yes, I may have been feeling a little sorry for myself the past few weeks, but I’m allowed. Life is hard, and when one is not feeling well, it is a lot harder. I’m hopeful that this shaking stops soon, because if it doesn’t, I don’t know what will happen.

We did something a little different for Thanksgiving this year. We celebrated Wednesday evening by having a big breakfast for dinner and decorating the Christmas tree. It’s the first time ever the tree has been up before Thanksgiving, let alone before the first of December. I’m typically a last minute type of decorator. LOL!

Robert and Julia were home, along with Harrison, my adopted tanker who now lives in Florida, and Jessica, Jacob’s fiance. Mom brought over monkey bread, and a fruit tray and Dad made it over for a bit to see the kids and partake in all the goodies. It was a good evening, and may even become our new tradition.

I went shopping on Friday. Black Friday is normally a day I avoid shopping, but this year I just wanted to go. So off to Superior I went early Friday morning. I actually had fun and got some great deals. What’s even better, I’m done Christmas shopping. We decided to do white elephant this year for the gift exchange and including even Nicholas. We set a $30 limit, and I hit the jackpot on Friday, I kind of hope I get my own gift! It’s that good, LOL!

Keep on praying. This world is headed up the creek without a paddle. X’s & O’s.


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