LWML Deshler zone fall rally at Davenport

“Let Your Light So Shine” was the theme of the LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) Fall Rally held at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Davenport Saturday morning Oct. 7.

Julie Folkerts welcomed members, pastors and guests to the event. Pastor Emery, zone pastoral counselor, gave opening devotions. The hymn, “How Shall They Hear, Who Have Not Heard, was sung.” Pastor Emery read Romans 10 beginning at verse 14. He focused on verse 15 “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news” and the joy of those who receive the good news. He said that we are to be those with “beautiful feet” sharing the good news. He encouraged our group to not be shy or feel unequipped, because God provides the words to share.

Pastor Schaffer introduced the guest speaker, Pastor Michael Awe, of South Sioux City. Pastor Awe told of his short- term mission trip in Poland and explained how his team shared the Good News there. He explained that while teaching English in the schools they used Bible stories as a means of exposing the children to Jesus. He encouraged anyone interested in going on a mission trip to contact him.

Using a responsive reading of the LWML League Pledge, attendees recommitted themselves to God’s mission work.

Election of officers was held. LWML Deshler zone officers for 2024 are Joyce Kroll, president; Heather Dahl, vice president; Carolyn Meyer, treasurer; Vickie Emery, Christian life; and Donna Meyer, assistant Christian life. Continuing in office are Anita Harms, secretary; Colleen Kruse, public relations-archivist; and Pastor Emery, pastoral counselor.

Joyce Kroll, Deshler zone delegate to the June 2023 LWML national convention in Milwaukee, shared highlights and thanked the members for sending her as delegate.

Attendance and offering reports: 27 members, three pastors and one guest were present, totaling 31. The offering collected for the zone was $195.00 and the ingathering for Pastor Awe’s mission projects was $835.00.

Vickie Hegeholz, vice president of Servant Resources, presented the Nebraska South District report. She shared pictures of Nebraska attendees at this summer’s national convention and info on the 2023-25 mission grants. The mission goal for the biennium is $2,350,000.00. She also showed pictures of the recent Nebraska South District retreat at Hordville. Upcoming dates include the LWML district convention, Sept. 13 and 14, 2024, at the Younes Convention Center in Kearney. Then, June 25 through 28, 2025, the 41st national convention is in Omaha.

Pastor Emery conducted installation of officers. President Donna Meyer thanked the outgoing officers for their service.

Anita Harms extended an invitation to the 2024 fall rally at Deshler.

Heather Dahl, Superior, led the closing devotion. “You are the Light of the World,” included a story about the waving of a lantern to warn people of approaching trains. A trial was held following an injury. The man in charge of waving the lantern was questioned three times if he had waved the lantern. Three times, he answered, “Yes, I waved the lantern.” There were no convictions. After the trial, the man said, “I was so afraid they would ask if the lantern was lit.” It was not. Lesson: Make sure your light is shining for Christ.


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