Commissioners get first glimpse of attitude survey

As part of a comprehensive plan for Nuckolls County being developed by a consulting firm based in Kearney, county residents were asked to complete a survey in the summer of 2023. A report based on that survey was delivered to the county commissioners on Monday.

Some of the highlights follow.

Just less than half of the respondents have lived in the county for less than a decade and close to one-third have lived in the county for more than 40 years.

Several age groups were represented by those who responded and the respondents appeared to be fairly evenly spread over a 50-year range (25 to 75). The top three age groups consisted of adults aged 65-74, followed by 35-44 and 25-34. More than one-third of the respondents were between 25 and 44 years of age. When adding the 18-24-year-olds, more than 40 percent of respondens were younger than 45.

Residents living in Superior and Nelson were most heavily represented. Eightyeight percent of those responding do not work ouside of Nuckolls County,

Forty responding families had youngsters under age 18 living in their home, Most respondents were employed full-time outside of their home and were not farming fulltime. Almost one-thrd were retirees and less than 20 percent were fulltime farmers.

The top reasons for living in the county involved feelings of safety, peace and connectedness to the county, Forty-one respondents grew up on Nuckools County, Twenty-four came to Nuckolls County for a job.


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