
Well, folks . . . it happened.

Snow . . . .

It came Saturday night or Sunday morning. And, wasn’t it just 90 plus degrees a week ago?

Reminds me of the old wives tale that forecasted the number of snow events an area gets because of the date of the first snow fall. Seems our first snow fall came on October 29, and that tells us we’re going to have 29 snow events this winter.

Well, wait a minute, what about the old farmer’s tale that in order to use that criteria, it has to be enough snow to ‘track a cat.’

We barely got enough snow to say we got snow, but Hastings, I understand, did get enough to track a cat.

Take a choice and we’ll see what happens.


Remember “Telemedicine”?

I was first introduced to it maybe 45 to 50 years ago when the Nebraska Department of Health was trying to help residents in rural areas of the state that maybe had no, or few medical facilities take advantage of the electronic age by using computers or phones to reach help when needed.

Over the years, the ideas and technology improved and ‘experts’ today are trying to make it available to everyone.

Well, last week we even used it. However, I doubt it was anything like the original idea proposed.

Nancy had a total knee replacement surgery done in early October and after a while the incision area started to seep blood and fluid.

We made one trip to see the doctor and he said to keep it clean and an eye on it.

We did that, but someone suggested we take a picture and send it to the medical experts to keep them informed.

Step No. 1: take a picture of the knee.

Step No. 2: send picture to daughter who is also a nurse working at the same hospital as the doctor.

Step No. 3: daughter received picture and forwards it on to the physician’s assistants who helped with the surgery and follow up care. Who also happens to be a brother-in-law to the nurse daughter.

Step No. 4: physician’s assistant forwards picture on to surgeon.

Step No. 5: surgeon replies back down through the chain.

“Technology,” It can be great as long as it works.


Did you happen to read the sheet inserted in your newspaper several weeks ago. It printed the differences in the Nebraska Political Parties Platform differences. It never said a thing (positive or negative) about either side of a number of items.

In it, a person could really notice the differences between today’s political parties and what there was just a few years back.

For example: Democrats support gender-neutral bathrooms in schools and public places.

What ? ? ? ? Not just too many years ago, people would not even talk about who could use which bathroom. Everyone knew there was one for males and one for females and you used the one you were supposed to use.

Democrats celebrate marriage equality . . . What does that even mean? Being equal always meant that there is one male and one female and they are equal. They have different jobs to do, but they are equal.

When Mr. Obama was president his fundamental belief was that “we had to ‘remake’ America.” Liberals (mostly Democrats) seem to have taken that slogan under their wings and we see more and more of their ideas in the public life. It has even reached Nebraska as we can see in that printed material showing Party Platforms of both major political parties.

Throughout history, it seems that Liberals are successful when they cause such a turmoil that confusion reigns allowing them to assume power and control. However, their answers never seem to be the correct answers as the problems continue . . . but other people are in control, and that is what was wanted to start with.

This little sheet of paper is interesting. I don’t know who was responsible for putting it in the newspaper several weeks back, but it does seem to lay out the differences between the two major political parties in Nebraska.

I’ll try to point out a number of items over the coming weeks.



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