Love my crazy life

I woke up at five this morning. For most folks that’s a normal day, but for me, well let’s just say it doesn’t happen often. Duke had squeezed his way under our bed and was stuck, so I helped him get unstuck and took him out to potty. He did his business and I decided to go ahead and make coffee and get started with my day.

Since I was up and at ’em, I took my morning meds, and then I took them again when my alarm went off at nine reminding me to take my meds. It was just after I choked them down that I realized what I had done. I don’t think it will kill me, but we shall see. This could be an interesting day.

It can’t be any worse than a few weeks ago when I kept forgetting my evening meds, so I was taking them in the morning. I spent a week feeling exhausted and crummy, only to later realize why. I was taking my bedtime muscle relaxer, which is supposed to keep me from breaking more teeth, every morning. I’m such a ditz!

My doggy is doing well, so well that my yard is full of landmines. I was cleaning up some flowers this weekend and managed to step right in one, barefoot! Ugh! On the plus side, dog droppings wash off the foot easier than off a shoe, and there was no missing it and accidentally tracking it in. I think I will spend this evening cleaning up the puppy droppings in the yard. I don’t want to get behind with that because he is full of it.

I got a few fall and Halloween decorations out this weekend. Halloween is my favorite holiday to decorate for, and I am just not feeling it this year. It’s a lot to drag out, and then drag back in, so I’m calling it good for this year. At the rate I’m going, it would be Christmas before I would get it put away. I still have Easter and Fourth of July stuff sitting on the china cabinet.

Here’s to all my fellow procrastinators. Maybe we can manage to get the tree up before the new year. X’s & O’s.


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